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Kayıt Tarihi: 26 July 2008
Cool Gothic Metal Grup List


A Dark Performance - Melodic Gothic Metal
A Dream of Poe - Gothic/Doom Metal
A Fonds Perdu - Gothic Metal
A New Dawn - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Abigail (Rou) - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal (Early) Gothic/Symphonic (Later)
Abonos - Gothic Metal
Abside (Ita) - Progressive Heavy/Gothic Metal
Abwhore - Blackened Gothic Metal
Abysmal Grief - Gothic/Doom Metal
Abyss (Rus) - Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Abyssaria - gothic black metal
Access Beyond - Gothic Metal
Accid Reign - Gothic Metal
Acoustical Crime - Thrash/Gothic Metal (later) Thrash/Death Metal (early)
Ad Infinitum (Swe) - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Ad Vacuum - Atmospheric Gothic Metal
Adastreia - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Ador Dorath - gothic black metal
Adversus - Gothic Metal with Folk influences
Advocatus Diaboli (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Aeons - Gothic Metal
Aeternitas - Gothic/symphonic metal
After Dark (Ger) - Gothic Metal
After Forever - Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal
Afterglow (Ita) - Dark/Gothic Metal with Doom elements
Agathodaimon - Symphonic Black Metal (early) Gothic Metal (now)
Ageless (Pol) - Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
Aggelos - Gothic Metal
Aghast (Col) - Gothic Metal
Agogh - Gothic Metal
Agon (Esp) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Agonia (Rus) - Gothic Metal
Agony (Aut) - Gothic Metal
Agora (Tur) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Agregator - Gothic Power-Death
Aion (Pol) - gothic metal
Aither - Symphonic Black/Heavy/Gothic Metal
Akael - Gothic Doom Death
Akallabeth - Gothic/Doom Metal
Akoma - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Akphaezya - Avant-garde Gothic/Progressive Metal
Alchera - Gothic Metal
Alcoholika La Christo - Gothic Metal
Aldaron - Doom/gothic/heavy metal
Aldren Liebe - Dark/Gothic Metal
Aleph (Bra) - Gothic Metal
Alexandria (Esp) - Gothic Metal
Alexandria (US) - Progessive/Gothic metal
Alice in Darkland - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Aljahilia - Folk Gothic/Doom Metal
Alleri Ahe - Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Alma Mater - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Almacridaem - Gothic Metal
Altamira - Gothic/Doom/Atmospheric Metal
Altherea - Gothic Metal
Amadea - Gothic/Death Metal
Amadeus - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Amaranth (Ser) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Amartia - Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
Amatris - Gothic metal
Amenophis Dusk - Gothic Black Metal
Amenthes - Gothic/Death Metal
Amertad - Gothic Metal
Amidst the Withering - Black/Gothic Metal
Amon Hen (Esp) - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Amor e Morte (Fra) - Gothic Metal
Amoris Umbra - Gothic Metal
Amorticure - Gothic / Death Metal
Amos - Gothic Metal
Amsvartnit - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Anabantha - Doom/Gothic Metal
Anachorete - Blackened Gothic Metal
AnaDies - Gothic Metal
Analog - Gothic Metal
Anatomiae Occultii - Progressive Gothic Metal
Ancestral (Esp) - Death Metal (early) Dark Gothic Metal (later)
Ancient Drive - Gothic Metal
Ancient Prophecy - Power / Death / Gothic Metal
Ancor - Gothic Metal
Andem - Melodic Gothic/Power Metal
Anemonia - Gothic Metal
Angel (Hol) - Gothic Metal
Angelblood - Doom/Gothic Metal
Angelcoma - Gothic/Black Metal with Industrial Influences
Angelize - Gothic Metal
Angels in Exile - Dark Doom/Gothic Metal
Angels of Deception - Thrash/Gothic Metal
Angelus (Ven) - Gothic Metal
Angry Demon - Black/Gothic Metal
Angryon - Gothic/Black Metal
Anima Naïve - Gothic Metal
Anima Poetae - Dark Gothic Metal
Animal Alpha - Dark Gothic/Heavy Metal
Ankhagram - Dark/Gothic Metal
Annatar - Symphonic Dark Gothic Metal
Anomally - Death/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Anora Dimentia - Gothic/Melodic Black Metal
Antarhes - Gothic Metal
Anti-Systematic - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Antichrisis - Melodic Gothic/Black/Folk Metal (early) Medieval Gothic Rock/Folk (now)
Antonamasia - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Anubis (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Anubiz - Gothic/ Death Metal
Aphelion Aphrodites - Melodic Doom/Gothic Metal
Apocalypse Woman - Doom/Gothic Metal
Apostate (Pol) - Gothic Death/Doom
Apparition (UK) - Gothic Metal
Apriori - Dark Ambient Gothic Metal
AraPacis - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Arborea - Thrash/Gothic Metal
Arbour - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Arcane Dimension - Gothic Metal
Arch of Hell - Gothic Black/Doom Metal
Archantia - Melodic Death/Gothic/Power Metal
Archmages - Doom / Gothic Metal
Ardulph Ardebahr Wald - Black/Gothic Metal
Arenaris - Black Metal (early) Gothic/Dark/Death Metal (later)
Arise From Thorns - Doom/Gothic/Progressive Metal
Arkhesia - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Army of in Between - Extreme Horror Metal (new) Gothic/Industrial (old)
Ars Amatoria - Gothic Metal/Progressive Rock
Art de Light - Gothic metal/rock
Art of Abyssus - Melodic black/gothic metal
Ártemis - Gothic Doom Metal
Artery (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Artificio (Ven) - Gothic Metal
Artrosis - Gothic Metal
As Light Dies - Death/Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Asche des Lebens - Gothic Rock/ Metal
Asgaard - Gothic/Black Metal
Ashen - Melodic Gothic Metal
Ashen Images - Gothic Metal
Ashes of Destiny - Death/Doom/Gothic
Ashes You Leave - Death/Doom Metal (early) Gothic/Doom Metal (later)
ASP - Gothic Industrial Metal
Aspergillus Flavus - Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Asstellyte - Gothic Metal
Asterius - gothic/symphonic black-ish metal
Astheria - Gothic Metal
Astral (Cze) - Black/Gothic Metal
Astral Symphony - Gothic Metal
Astrodust - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
At Dawn - Gothic Rock/Metal with influences of Death Metal and Industrial
At Domine - Gothic/Death Metal (old) / Progressive metal (later)
Atanab - Gothic / Death / Black Metal
Atargatis - Gothic Metal
Ate - Extreme Gothic Metal
Atenoux - Symphonic/Gothic/Black Metal
Athalay - Black/Gothic Metal
Athanor (Pol) - Gothic Metal
Atmosfear (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Atoll Nerat - Gothic Black Metal
Atratus (Tur) - Gothic Metal
Atrocity (Ger) - Death metal (early) Ethno / gothic / industrial (mid)
Atromorta - Symphonic Black/gothic Metal
Atrox (Nor) - Avant-garde Gothic/Progressive Metal
Audi Sile - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Augury (Ger) - Gothic/Dark Metal
Aura+ - Gothic Metal/Rock
Auri Sacra - Gothic Metal
Autumn (Hol) - Gothic Metal
Autumn (Rus) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn Clan - Gothic metal
Autumn Dweller - Death thrash gothic
Autumn Rain Melancholy - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn Twilight - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumnblaze - Melodic Blackened Doom Metal (Early) Gothic/Depressive Rock (Current)
Ava Inferi - Gothic/Doom Metal
Avalon Burning - Gothic Metal with Power influences
Avathar (Aut) - Melodic black gothic
Avernal Oath - Dark Metal with gothic influences
Avernus - Doom/Death/Gothic
Awaiting Destiny - Gothic metal
Azrael's Seed - Gothic/Doom Metal
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