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Kayıt Tarihi: 26 July 2008
Standart Cvp: Gothic Metal Grup List



Banshee (Fra) - Gothic / Black / Heavy Metal
Bards Beyond Time - Gothic/Power Metal
Baron d'Estigny - Progressive Melodic / Gothic Metal
Basilisk (Ger) - gothic metal
Batalion d'Amour - gothic rock/metal
Bates Motel (Can) - gothic metal
Beautiful Betrayal - Gothic/Melodic Metal (formerly Death Metal)
Beautiful Darkness - Doom/Gothic Metal with some Power Metal elements
Belfry - Gothic/Power Metal
Beltphanath - Doom Gothic Metal
Belyerath - Gothic/Doom Metal
Beneath Utopia - Death/Gothic metal
Berserk Inc. - Melodic Death/Gothic
Beseech - Gothic Metal
Betrayed by Life - Gothic Metal
Beu Ribe - Gothic Black Metal
Beyon-D-Lusion - Gothic Metal
Beyond Darkness - Traditional / Gothic Metal
Beyond Salem - Gothic Metal/Darkwave
Beyond Surface - Gothic Metal
Beyond the Dream - Melodic Gothic/Black Metal
Beyond the Torchlight - Gothic Metal
Black & Dark - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Black Book Members - Gothic/Doom Metal
Black Comedy - Industrial/Gothic/Thrash Metal
Black Countess - Black Doom/Gothic metal
Black Dust - Extreme Gothic Metal
Black Fever - Gothic Doom Metal
Black Harlequin - Gothic Melodic Metal
Black Infinity - Doom/Gothic Metal
Black Leaves - Folk/Gothic Metal
Black Nazareth - Dark/Gothic Metal
Black Sun City - Gothic Metal/Rock
Black Swan (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Black Thorns - Gothic Black Metal
Black Thorns Lodge - Gothic Metal
Black Warrior - Melodic Power/Gothic Metal
Blackfeather - Gothic Metal
Blandish - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Bleak Shadows - gothic/doom hard rock death
Bleakwail - Dark/Gothic Metal
Blessed Are The Sick - Gothic Orchestral Black Metal
Blessed Suicide - Gothic/Doom Metal
Blood Sundae - Gothic/Melodic Metal
Bloodflowerz - Gothic Metal
Bloodforge (Bra) - Gothic/Doom/Heavy Metal
Bloodparade - Gothic Metal
Bloody Blossom - Gothic/Doom Metal
Bloody Tears (Rus) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Blue Sound Traffic - Gothic Metal
Blut Formicarium - Black/Gothic/Folk Metal
Born in Winter - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Braindance - Gothic/Progressive/Electronic Metal/Darkwave/Trance/Vocal House/Classical
Brave (US) - Doom/Gothic/Progressive Metal
Breathe One's Last - Doom/Gothic Metal (old) Gothic/Dark Rock (later)
Broken Hearted - Gothic Metal
Brutalidad Carnal - Black/Gothic Metal

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