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Alt 25 August 2009, 20:46
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Standart Cvp: Gothic Metal Grup List



D'Lonix - gothic/black metal
Daedalus (Mex) - Gothic Metal
Dagorlad (Bel) - Black / Gothic / Atmospheric Metal
Daimonion (Pol) - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Dakrua - Dark/Gothic Metal
Dakrya - Atmospheric Gothic Metal
Dame en Noir - Doom/Gothic Metal with Progressive elements
Damn-Nation - Death/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Dana - Symphonic Black/Gothic Metal
Danse Macabre - Gothic Metal
Darcanum - Gothic/Dark Metal
Dark - Death/Thrash Metal (earlier) - Dark/Gothic Metal (later)
Dark Autumn (Chl) - Black/Gothic Metal
Dark Awake (Grc) - Atmospheric/Gothic Metal
Dark Before Dawn - Gothic Metal
Dark Cathedral - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Dark December - Doom/Gothic Metal
Dark Diamonds - Power/Heavy Metal (early) - Gothic Metal (now)
Dark Dream - Doom/Death Metal (Early) Gothic/Doom Metal (Now)
Dark Eden (Bra) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Dark Eden (US) - Gothic/Black Metal
Dark Embrace (Esp) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Dark Erial - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Dark Faces - Gothic Metal
Dark Lunacy - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Dark Mirror ov Tragedy - Symphonic Black/Gothic Metal
Dark Period - Gothic/Doom Metal
Dark Sanctuaire - Gothic Metal
Dark Serenity - Doom/Gothic/Death Metal
Dark Silence - Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Dark Society - Death/Thrash Metal with Gothic Influences
Dark Soul Project - Gothic Metal
Dark Tales (Prt) - Gothic Metal
Dark Templar (Chl) - Blackened Gothic Metal
Dark Truth - Gothic Doom Metal
Dark Vision - Gothic/Symphonic Black Metal
Darken (Ger) - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Darklands - Gothic / Doom Metal
Darklight (Ita) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Darkseed - Gothic Heavy Metal
Darkwell - Gothic doom metal
Dawn of Dreams (Aut) - Symphonic gothic metal
Dawn of Oblivion - Gothic metal/rock
Dawn of Solace - Gothic Metal
Daylight Torn - Gothic metal/rock
Daywalker - Gothic Metal
De Facto - dark / gothic metal
De Profundis - Gothic Doom/Black Metal
De.mented - Power/Thrash with Gothic elements
Dead Emotions - Gothic/Death Metal
Dead Heart Bleeding - Gothic Doom
Dead Men Dream - Doom/Gothic Metal
DeadByDay - Blackish Gothic Metal
Deadland - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Deadstar Assembly - Industrial Gothic Metal
Death Poems - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Deathcamp Project - Gothic Rock/Metal
Deathonator - Death Metal (early) Gothic/Melodic Death Metal (now)
Deathstrokardia - Thrash/Gothic Metal
Decay's Delight - Gothic Folk/Ambient
December's Fire - Orchestral Gothic Metal
December's Silence - Gothic Metal / Ambient
Deceptive Silence - Gothic/Doom Metal
Decieverion - Black/Gothic Metal
Decoryah - Atmospheric/melancholic new-age gothic metal
Deep Inside Myself - Gothic Metal/Rock
Deflower Mind - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Dekadenz - Gothic Death Metal
Dekrowned - Doom/Gothic Metal
Delain - Melodic/Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Delight - Gothic Metal
Delusion (Pol) - Atmospheric Heavy/Gothic Metal
Delusive Dawn - Gothic Black Metal
Delusive Work of Art - Dark Experimental Gothic Doom Metal
Demether - Gothic/Power Metal
Demimonde (Ger) - Thrash Metal with Gothic Influences
Demiurg (Ger) - Gothic Black Metal
Demonia - Gothic/melancholic metal
Demonic Symphony - Symphonic Gothic/Heavy Metal
Demora - Gothic Metal
Denight - Gothic Metal
Desalento - Extreme Gothic Metal
Desdemona (Pol) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Desdenia - Doom/Gothic Metal
Desiderium - Gothic/Doom Metal
Desire (Fin) - Gothic Metal
Desolate Ways - Gothic/Doom Metal
Despair's Tiny Things - Doom/Death Metal with Gothic Influences
Destination: Nowhere - Gothic Metal/Rock
Deviate Ladies - Gothic Metal/Darkwave
Deviated Tomb - Gothic Metal
Devlin - Darkwave Gothic Doom
Devonian - Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Dewian - Melodic Dark Gothic Metal
Diableria - Gothic Metal
Diabolique (Swe) - Doom/Gothic Metal/Rock
Diafragma - Old School Death Metal (early) Gothic/death (last album)
Die For Me - Gothic Metal
Diluvium - Gothic Rock/Metal
Dimness - symphonic blackened gothic metal
DinUmbra - Industrial Metal (early) - Gothic Industrial Metal (now)
Dirty Rain - Gothic/Doom Metal (new) Death Metal (old)
Dis Pater - Romantic Doom/Gothic Metal
Disgorged (Prt) - Gothic Metal
Dismal (Bra) - Heavy / gothic metal
Dispelled - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Dispersia - gothic/doom metal
Disromance - Gothic Metal
Dissolute Paradise - Gothic Metal
Distorted (Isr) - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal with Middle-Eastern Folk influences
Distorttion - Gothic Metal
Distress (Fra) - Atmospheric Gothic Metal/Rock
Distrust (Ger) - Dark/Gothic Metal
Divercia - Dark Gothic Progressive Metal
Dividing Line - Gothic Metal
Divine Lust - Gothic Doom Metal
Divine Nightmare - Gothic Metal
Divine Silence - Gothic Metal
Djëvel - Black/Gothic Metal
Do Not Dream - Melodic Gothic/Black Metal
Dogma (Prt) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Domina Noctis - Gothic Metal
Dominia - Symphonic Gothic/Power Metal
Down Below - Gothic metal / rock
Down in a Hole - Gothic Metal
Downfall A.D. - Gothic Metal
Dr Death - Industrial gothic metal
Dragonfly (Hol) - Gothic Metal
Drakma - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Drama (Esp) - Gothic Metal
Dramatvm - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
DrammaGothica - Gothic Metal
Drastique - Gothic Metal
Drat - gothic/heavy/thrash metal
Drawn - Psychedelic/gothic black metal
Dreadful Shadows - Gothic Metal
DreamAge - Melodic Gothic Metal
Dreamer - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Dreamlike Horror - Atmospheric Black/Gothic Metal
Dreams of Sanity - Gothic Metal/Rock
Dreams of Tears - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Dremora - Symphonic/Gothic/Opera Metal
Drep - Metalcore with viking and gothic touches
Drinking Skull - thrash/gothic metal
Drown Me Blue - Gothic/Dark Metal
Drowned in the Darkness - Gothic/Ambient/Death/Doom with Black influences.
Duel of Fate - Gothic/Power Metal
Duma Xesbet - Gothic Metal
Dusk (Pol) - Gothic/Extreme Avant-garde Metal
Dying Days - Atmospheric Gothic Metal
Dying Fields - Gothic/Doom Metal
Dying Passion - Atmospheric Doom Metal Gothic Metal
Dying Tears - Symphonic Gothic/Doom Metal
Dystrophy - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
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