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Alt 25 August 2009, 20:47
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Standart Cvp: Gothic Metal Grup List



E-Lane - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Eastgoth - Melodic Gothic/Black Metal
Ebonylake - Gothic/Avant-Garde Metal
Echoes of Eternity - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Eclipse (Bel) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Ecthalion - doom/gothic metal
Eden in Ruins - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Eden weint im Grab - Gothic Metal
Edenhial - Doom/Gothic Metal
Eeriness - Gothic Metal
Eilera - Gothic Metal/Rock
Eisenherz - Gothic Metal
Eisheilig - Gothic Metal
Elanor - Gothic death/black metal
Elbereth - Death Metal (early) Gothic/Doom Metal (later)
Eleidhas - Gothic Metal with Progressive elements
Elembus - Gothic/Black Metal
Element of Eclipse - Gothic Metal
Elevare - Gothic metal
Elis - Gothic Metal
Elishia - Melodic Gothic Metal
Elizium - Doom/Gothic Metal
Elmeod - Gothic Metal
Elysaeon - Melodic Death / Gothic / Dark Metal
Embellish - Gothic Metal
Embers Fire - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Embers Left - Doom/Gothic Metal
Embrace - Gothic Metal
Embrace My Ruin - Gothic / Death Metal
Embraze - Gothic/Doom Metal
Embryo (Hrv) - Gothic Metal
Emorage - Gothic Metal
Emotic Coma - Melodic Gothic Metal
Empiria - Progressive Gothic/Black Metal
Emptiness (Grc) - Gothic/Black Metal
En Declin - Gothic/Alternative Metal
En-Garde - Gothic Rock/Metal
Enchanted Silence - Atmospheric Dark/Gothic Metal
Enchantya - Heavy/Gothic Metal
End (Ger) - Doom/Gothic Metal
End My Sorrow - Doom-y Gothic Metal
End of You - Gothic/Melancholic Metal
Endaemona - Gothic/Black Metal
Endless (Cze) - Gothic Metal
Endless Endgame - Gothic Doom Metal
Endless Grief - Gothic/Dark Metal
Endless Tide - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Endoras - 'Gothic' Metal
Endtime (Bra) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Endtime (Phl) - Melodic Industrial Gothic Metal
Endymaeria - Black/Gothic/Doom Metal
Enmessara - Gothic Metal
Ens Cogitans - Gothic Metal
Enslavement of Beauty - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Ensoph - Gothic Avant-garde Metal
Entalpia - Gothic Metal
Entropy (Hol) - Symphonic/Melodic/Gothic Metal
Entwine - Gothic Metal
Entwined - Gothic metal
Enuma Elish - Power Metal with Gothic Vocals
Envidhia - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Envy (Fin) - Gothic Metal
Eon (Mex) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Epica - Symphonic Power/Gothic Metal
Epifanor - Heavy Gothic Metal
Eregion (Arg) - Neoclassical Gothic/Melodic Metal
Erotic Death - Gothic/Death Metal
Escart - Metal/Gothic/Rock
Esenia - Melodic Gothic Metal
Eternal (Col) - Gothic/Death Metal
Eternal Cry - gothic metal
Eternal Grieve - Dark/Gothic Metal (now)/Death Metal (earlier)
Eternal Mourning (Prt) - Gothic / Doom / Death
Eternal Oath (Sgp) - Gothic Black/Folk Metal
Eternal Peace - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Eternal Saviour - Gothic Metal
Eternya - Gothic Metal
Ethereal (Col) - Gothic/Black Metal
Ethereal (Prt) - Gothic Metal
Ethereal Pain - Gothic Metal
Ethereal Travel - Gothic Metal
Etherial Dawn - Gothic Black Metal
Etreum (Esp) - Gothic Metal
Euterpia - Atmospheric Gothic Metal
Evadne - Doom/gothic metal
Evangelium - Gothic Doom Metal
Evelyn - Gothic/Black Metal
Even Vast - Gothic metal
Evenfall (Ita) - Death / Gothic / Atmospheric Metal
Eventide (Ita) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Eventide Horizon - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Everasia - Gothic Metal
Everdespair - Gothic Metal
Evereve - Death / Atmospheric / Gothic Metal
Everwake (Esp) - Gothic Metal
Everwake (Ger) - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Evictus - Doom/Gothic Metal
Evig Natt - Gothic Metal
Evil One - Gothic/Melodic Metal
Evil's Tears - Gothic Death/Doom Metal
Evocation (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Evodia - Gothic/Black Metal
Ewigheim - Gothic Metal
Ex Libris - Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Ex-hortation - Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Exaudi - gothic/black metal
Exception - Gothic metal
Exchased - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Execution Chamber - Extreme Gothic Metal
Exegesis - Gothic/Dark Metal
Exsecratus - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Exsecror Vecordia - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Extinction (Ger) - Dark/Gothic/Death Metal
Eye of Betrayer - Melodic Gothic/Black Metal
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