12 December 2008, 14:09
Windows hasar gördüğünde ve formatlamak zorunda kaldığınızda, Fdisk'i çalıştırdığınızda, bir virüs bilgisayarınıza zarar verdiğinde yada önemli bir dosyayı yanlışlıkla sildiğinizde imdadınıza GetDataBack yetişir. Diskinizin boot kaydını, bölümleme tablolarını, dosya sistemini tarayarak kayıp verilerinizi önünüze seriyor. Dosya sisteminizin NTFS olması gerekiyor.
Use GetDataBack for NTFS to recover files from drives with NTFS file system. Recover your files when the data is no longer accessible due to formatting, fdisk, virus attack, power or software failure. Get everything back even when the drive's partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is lost or corrupt.
GetDataBack recovers from:
- Hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA)
- USB drives
- Firewire drives
- Partitions
- Dynamic Disks
- Floppy drives
- Drive images
- Zip/Jaz drive
- Compact Flash Cards
- Smart Media Cards
- Secure Digital Cards
- USB Flash Drive
- iPod Disks
Important Installation Note:
Do not install GetDataBack on the drive you want to recover! It is strongly recommended to proceed as follows:
- Install the program to another computer, which doesn't have any problems. If you have a choice, choose the computer with the most RAM and is the fastest. Attach the drive you want to recover as a slave to this machine. Make sure the drive is jumpered correctly and is recognized by the BIOS.
- After downloading GetDataBack run the setup.exe. The setup Wizard will guide you through the installation process.
- If there is no way to attach the drive to an extra computer, you can run GetDataBack from a WinPE boot CD-ROM.
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
http://rapidshare.com/files/75115268...ata_ntfs32.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/75115268/Runtime_GetData_ntfs32.rar)
Use GetDataBack for NTFS to recover files from drives with NTFS file system. Recover your files when the data is no longer accessible due to formatting, fdisk, virus attack, power or software failure. Get everything back even when the drive's partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is lost or corrupt.
GetDataBack recovers from:
- Hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA)
- USB drives
- Firewire drives
- Partitions
- Dynamic Disks
- Floppy drives
- Drive images
- Zip/Jaz drive
- Compact Flash Cards
- Smart Media Cards
- Secure Digital Cards
- USB Flash Drive
- iPod Disks
Important Installation Note:
Do not install GetDataBack on the drive you want to recover! It is strongly recommended to proceed as follows:
- Install the program to another computer, which doesn't have any problems. If you have a choice, choose the computer with the most RAM and is the fastest. Attach the drive you want to recover as a slave to this machine. Make sure the drive is jumpered correctly and is recognized by the BIOS.
- After downloading GetDataBack run the setup.exe. The setup Wizard will guide you through the installation process.
- If there is no way to attach the drive to an extra computer, you can run GetDataBack from a WinPE boot CD-ROM.
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
http://rapidshare.com/files/75115268...ata_ntfs32.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/75115268/Runtime_GetData_ntfs32.rar)