17 December 2008, 14:50
1 Click Add 'n' Remove is a state of the art un installer software that help you permanently delete your add remove program keeping your computer fasterhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gifCleaner and more reliable.
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/scrshots/Partially_small.jpg (http://www.securepcsolutions.com/1click-addnremove/index.asp/large.htm)
[Click image to enlarge view (http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/large.htm)]
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/free.jpg (http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/145913-G60D/ES.Setup.exe)http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/buy.jpg (http://store.esellerate.net/s.aspx?s=STR5417026625%20)
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif Look in your standard add remove program and you will see remnants of many programs you thought you had deleted. What's morehttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif those "program tips" remain on your hard drivehttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif wasting space and causing your system to take longer to access the programs and files you do want to use. Stillhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif right click on a programhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif hit delete and you risk deleting shared system files that another program needs to run! In additionhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif you'll end up with broken short cuts more program remnants that create unnecessary clutter on your machine.
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif 1 Click Add 'n' Remove is an award-winning software program that replaces the standard add remove program and gives you the power to safely and effectively install or remove new computer software in a single mouse click.
Installations go fast and smooth and 1 Click Add 'n' Remove shines in program removal. The easy to use interface presents you with all the information you need to safely remove unwanted software. In additionhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif 1 Click Add 'n' Remove also removes broken registry keys and not only alerts you to those programs that can't be safely or completely uninstalled but shows you why so you can decide to keep them or force uninstall.
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif 1 Click Add 'n' Remove shows you detailed information about each program on your computer so that you can decide what you need and what you don't!
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif Key Features
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/process.gif User Friendly easy to use Graphical Interface
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/remove.gif Thoroughly uninstall's programs
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/start.jpg Start menu cleaner and optimizer
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/forced.jpg Force delete to delete stubborn programs
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/registry.jpgRepairs broken registry keys
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/uninstall.jpg Detailed user friendly wizards that help you through the installation/un installation process
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/configure.jpg Custom configuration options that allow you to manage settings
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif Alerts to programs that can't be completely uninstalled
File Size : 1.50mb
Hard Disk Space: 2.3mb
Min : Pentium 100mhz
Ram : 32MB ram
Operating System Windows 98http://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif 2000http://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif MEhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif XP or NT4
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/download.jpg (http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/145913-G60D/1clickaddnremove.exe)
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/scrshots/Partially_small.jpg (http://www.securepcsolutions.com/1click-addnremove/index.asp/large.htm)
[Click image to enlarge view (http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/large.htm)]
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/free.jpg (http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/145913-G60D/ES.Setup.exe)http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/buy.jpg (http://store.esellerate.net/s.aspx?s=STR5417026625%20)
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif Look in your standard add remove program and you will see remnants of many programs you thought you had deleted. What's morehttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif those "program tips" remain on your hard drivehttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif wasting space and causing your system to take longer to access the programs and files you do want to use. Stillhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif right click on a programhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif hit delete and you risk deleting shared system files that another program needs to run! In additionhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif you'll end up with broken short cuts more program remnants that create unnecessary clutter on your machine.
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif 1 Click Add 'n' Remove is an award-winning software program that replaces the standard add remove program and gives you the power to safely and effectively install or remove new computer software in a single mouse click.
Installations go fast and smooth and 1 Click Add 'n' Remove shines in program removal. The easy to use interface presents you with all the information you need to safely remove unwanted software. In additionhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif 1 Click Add 'n' Remove also removes broken registry keys and not only alerts you to those programs that can't be safely or completely uninstalled but shows you why so you can decide to keep them or force uninstall.
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif 1 Click Add 'n' Remove shows you detailed information about each program on your computer so that you can decide what you need and what you don't!
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif Key Features
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/process.gif User Friendly easy to use Graphical Interface
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/remove.gif Thoroughly uninstall's programs
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/start.jpg Start menu cleaner and optimizer
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/forced.jpg Force delete to delete stubborn programs
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/registry.jpgRepairs broken registry keys
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/uninstall.jpg Detailed user friendly wizards that help you through the installation/un installation process
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/configure.jpg Custom configuration options that allow you to manage settings
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/32x32.gif Alerts to programs that can't be completely uninstalled
File Size : 1.50mb
Hard Disk Space: 2.3mb
Min : Pentium 100mhz
Ram : 32MB ram
Operating System Windows 98http://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif 2000http://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif MEhttp://www.tekplatform.com/images/smilies/virgs.gif XP or NT4
http://www.1clickaddnremove.com/images/download.jpg (http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/145913-G60D/1clickaddnremove.exe)