Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : 2008 Anti-Virüs Programları Arşivi

17 December 2008, 15:55


Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus (KAV) provides all types of anti-virus protection: anti-virus scan-ners* monitors* behavior blockers and integrity checkers. It supports all of the most popular operating systems* e-mail gateways and firewalls. KAV controls all possible virus entry points. Kaspersky Lab's powerful and flexible local and network management tools for auto-mation and centralized installation and control over anti-virus protection provide maximum convenience and minimum time wasted when building your own structure of an anti-virus defense


RapidShare: Easy Filehosting (http://rapidshare.com/files/60465318/kiki.rar)


McAfee Virusscan Enterprise 8.5i Plus

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise is an innovative technology for PCs and servers. It proactively stops and removes malicious software* extends coverage against new security risks* and reduces the cost of responding to outbreaks. Enterprises cannot afford to wait for every threat to be identified and a signature file to be released. The time between attack and subsequent identification is critical* and the shorter* the better. It's better yet if your protection technology identifies new* unknown threats.

By blending advanced anti-virus* firewall* and intrusion prevention technologies* VirusScan Enterprise covers a broad range of threats. With advanced heuristics and generic detection it finds even new* unknown viruses* even hidden in compressed files. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise looks for exploits known to target Microsoft applications and services and will identify and block threats that take advantage of JavaScript and VisualBasic coding.

And since virus protection is only as good as its latest update* the McAfee VirusScan Enterprise database is updated daily with information from McAfee Avert® Labs* one of the world's top threat research center


RapidShare: Easy Filehosting (http://rapidshare.com/files/60466475/vivi.rar)


McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008

McAfee VirusScan is a popular antivirus program created and maintained by McAfee* formerly known as Network Associates. VirusScan is designed for home and home-office use; McAfee also develops VirusScan Enterprise for use in corporate environments. The product is not available as a standalone package* but is included in the McAfee VirusScan Plus package or as part of McAfee Internet Security Suite. McAfee also produces a similar product for Mac OS X under the name of VirusScan for Mac.

The 2008 edition of VirusScan Plus integrates antivirus* firewall and anti-spyware capabilities and contains (amongst others) the following features:

On-access file scanning
Inbound and outbound firewall protection
Spyware protection
Daily definition updates (except the weekend)
Daily pop-up reminders* appearing at random intervals* even over ¤¤¤¤ screen applications and video games. This feature cannot be disabled.
McAfee X-Ray rootkit detection
McAfee SiteAdvisor - displays a safety rating for websites based on tests for evidence of spam* malware and phishing
McAfee SystemGuards - monitors the computer for actvity that may be caused by virus infection or hacker activity
VirusScan Plus 2008 is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000* Windows XP and Windows Vista only.


RapidShare: Easy Filehosting (http://rapidshare.com/files/60469064/lolo.rar)