29 January 2009, 21:19
serverinfo {
name = "irc.superalem.com";
aliasname = "irc.superalem.com";
description = "superalem IRC Sunucusu";
networkname = "superalem";
networkdesc = "superalem IRC Sunucusu";
address = "
servermode = native;
restartpass = "58E3E2675A3899"; /* please hash with /mkpasswd
* or with ircpasswd utility */
diepass = "6CFDAC579F86B"; /* please hash with /mkpasswd
* or with ircpasswd utility */
displaypass = "C6535433E2CA5F"; /* please hash with /mkpasswd
* or with ircpasswd utility */
identity = 42;
serverhide {
enable = yes;
flatten_links = no;
links_from_file = no;
links_oper_only = yes;
links_delay = 2 hours;
serveropts {
ts_warn_delta = 12 minutes;
ts_max_delta = 1 minute;
save_maxclient_stats = yes;
save_maxclient_stats_time = 1 hour;
use_registerfilter = no;
use_short_motd = no;
language = "turkce";
hide_gcos_with_sgline = no;
realname_replacement = "Time waits for nobody";
enable_fakehost_mode = yes;
enable_greeklish = no;
default_fakehost_mode = yes;
use_regex = no;
enable_usermode_nocolor = yes;
enable_usermode_noctcp = yes;
enable_usermode_hide_chans_in_whois = yes;
enable_usermode_hide_idle_in_whois = yes;
enable_usermode_no_privmsgs = no;
no_messages_on_away = no;
connect_control {
default_kline_time = 30 seconds;
server_kline_address = "";
network_kline_address = "";
wingate_notice = yes;
monitor_host = "Scan.superalem.com";
monitor_url = "www.superalem.com";
identd_use_tilde = no;
identd_timeout = 5 seconds;
identd_complain = no;
throttle_time = 30 seconds;
throttle_count = 10;
flood_control {
motd_wait = 10 seconds;
motd_max = 3;
client_flood = 2560 ;
no_oper_flood = yes;
anti_nick_flood = yes ;
max_nick_time = 20 seconds;
max_nick_changes = 5 ;
no_away_flood = yes;
max_away_time = 3 minutes;
max_away_count = 5;
anti_spambot = yes;
min_join_leave_time = 1 minute;
max_join_leave_count = 25;
join_leave_count_expire_time = 2 minutes;
oper_spam_countdown = 5;
operator_options {
use_remoteconnect = yes;
dont_check_remote_qline = no;
staff_fakehost = "ircadmin.superalem.com";
staffhide = yes;
no_oper_jupiter = yes;
servicesconf {
chanserv_name = "ChanServ";
nickserv_name = "NickServ";
operserv_name = "OperServ";
memoserv_name = "MemoServ";
statserv_name = "StatServ";
helpserv_name = "HelpServ";
services_name = "services.superalem.com";
hide_ulined_servers = yes;
admin {
name = "Administration";
email = " ";
description = "IRC Administration";
channelconf {
moderated_hosts = yes;
channelname_bans = yes;
halfops = yes;
floodmode = yes;
channel_links = yes;
names_only_members_mode = yes;
max_channels_per_user = 20 ;
default_quit_message = "superalem - IRC Sunucusu";
default_extended_topic_limitation = yes;
visible_serverchannels = yes;
modules {
path = "/home/IRCD/tr-ircd5/lib/contrib";
module = "m_locops.so";
files {
pidfile = "/home/superalem/tr-ircd5/var/run/tr-ircd/ircd.pid";
operator {
name = "encoders";
user = "*@*";
password = "superalem";
class = 1;
die = yes;
admin = yes;
restart = yes;
sadmin = yes;
kill = yes;
operdo = yes;
gkline = yes;
see_hidden = yes;
login_via_web = yes;
class {
class = 1;
pingtime = 1 minute;
connectfreq = 0;
max_links = 512;
sendq = 350 kb;
class {
class = 2;
pingtime = 5 minutes;
connectfreq = 0;
max_links = 24;
sendq = 350 kb;
class {
class = 50;
pingtime = 1 minute;
connectfreq = 30 seconds;
max_links = 24;
sendq = 1029 kb;
listen {
port = 7000;
ip = "";
port = 6660;
port = 6661 .. 6670, 5555;
host = "";
auth {
user = "*@*";
exceed_limit = no;
kline_exempt = no;
class = 2;
can_choose_fakehost = yes;
auth {
user = "*@*";
password = "3B428538828FF"; /* Please hash this with /mkpasswd or ircpasswd */
spoof_notice = yes;
spoof = "ircadmin.superalem.com";
port = 5555;
can_choose_fakehost = yes;
class = 2;
connect {
name = "services.superalem.com";
host = "";
send_password = "linked";
accept_password = "D48E37BC19B9FE"; /* please hash this with /mkpasswd or ircpasswd */
encrypted = yes;
compressed = yes;
autoconnect = yes;
ishub = yes;
aftype = ipv4;
class = 50;
port = 6660;
ultimate = yes;
name = "irc.superalem.com";
aliasname = "irc.superalem.com";
description = "superalem IRC Sunucusu";
networkname = "superalem";
networkdesc = "superalem IRC Sunucusu";
address = "
servermode = native;
restartpass = "58E3E2675A3899"; /* please hash with /mkpasswd
* or with ircpasswd utility */
diepass = "6CFDAC579F86B"; /* please hash with /mkpasswd
* or with ircpasswd utility */
displaypass = "C6535433E2CA5F"; /* please hash with /mkpasswd
* or with ircpasswd utility */
identity = 42;
serverhide {
enable = yes;
flatten_links = no;
links_from_file = no;
links_oper_only = yes;
links_delay = 2 hours;
serveropts {
ts_warn_delta = 12 minutes;
ts_max_delta = 1 minute;
save_maxclient_stats = yes;
save_maxclient_stats_time = 1 hour;
use_registerfilter = no;
use_short_motd = no;
language = "turkce";
hide_gcos_with_sgline = no;
realname_replacement = "Time waits for nobody";
enable_fakehost_mode = yes;
enable_greeklish = no;
default_fakehost_mode = yes;
use_regex = no;
enable_usermode_nocolor = yes;
enable_usermode_noctcp = yes;
enable_usermode_hide_chans_in_whois = yes;
enable_usermode_hide_idle_in_whois = yes;
enable_usermode_no_privmsgs = no;
no_messages_on_away = no;
connect_control {
default_kline_time = 30 seconds;
server_kline_address = "";
network_kline_address = "";
wingate_notice = yes;
monitor_host = "Scan.superalem.com";
monitor_url = "www.superalem.com";
identd_use_tilde = no;
identd_timeout = 5 seconds;
identd_complain = no;
throttle_time = 30 seconds;
throttle_count = 10;
flood_control {
motd_wait = 10 seconds;
motd_max = 3;
client_flood = 2560 ;
no_oper_flood = yes;
anti_nick_flood = yes ;
max_nick_time = 20 seconds;
max_nick_changes = 5 ;
no_away_flood = yes;
max_away_time = 3 minutes;
max_away_count = 5;
anti_spambot = yes;
min_join_leave_time = 1 minute;
max_join_leave_count = 25;
join_leave_count_expire_time = 2 minutes;
oper_spam_countdown = 5;
operator_options {
use_remoteconnect = yes;
dont_check_remote_qline = no;
staff_fakehost = "ircadmin.superalem.com";
staffhide = yes;
no_oper_jupiter = yes;
servicesconf {
chanserv_name = "ChanServ";
nickserv_name = "NickServ";
operserv_name = "OperServ";
memoserv_name = "MemoServ";
statserv_name = "StatServ";
helpserv_name = "HelpServ";
services_name = "services.superalem.com";
hide_ulined_servers = yes;
admin {
name = "Administration";
email = " ";
description = "IRC Administration";
channelconf {
moderated_hosts = yes;
channelname_bans = yes;
halfops = yes;
floodmode = yes;
channel_links = yes;
names_only_members_mode = yes;
max_channels_per_user = 20 ;
default_quit_message = "superalem - IRC Sunucusu";
default_extended_topic_limitation = yes;
visible_serverchannels = yes;
modules {
path = "/home/IRCD/tr-ircd5/lib/contrib";
module = "m_locops.so";
files {
pidfile = "/home/superalem/tr-ircd5/var/run/tr-ircd/ircd.pid";
operator {
name = "encoders";
user = "*@*";
password = "superalem";
class = 1;
die = yes;
admin = yes;
restart = yes;
sadmin = yes;
kill = yes;
operdo = yes;
gkline = yes;
see_hidden = yes;
login_via_web = yes;
class {
class = 1;
pingtime = 1 minute;
connectfreq = 0;
max_links = 512;
sendq = 350 kb;
class {
class = 2;
pingtime = 5 minutes;
connectfreq = 0;
max_links = 24;
sendq = 350 kb;
class {
class = 50;
pingtime = 1 minute;
connectfreq = 30 seconds;
max_links = 24;
sendq = 1029 kb;
listen {
port = 7000;
ip = "";
port = 6660;
port = 6661 .. 6670, 5555;
host = "";
auth {
user = "*@*";
exceed_limit = no;
kline_exempt = no;
class = 2;
can_choose_fakehost = yes;
auth {
user = "*@*";
password = "3B428538828FF"; /* Please hash this with /mkpasswd or ircpasswd */
spoof_notice = yes;
spoof = "ircadmin.superalem.com";
port = 5555;
can_choose_fakehost = yes;
class = 2;
connect {
name = "services.superalem.com";
host = "";
send_password = "linked";
accept_password = "D48E37BC19B9FE"; /* please hash this with /mkpasswd or ircpasswd */
encrypted = yes;
compressed = yes;
autoconnect = yes;
ishub = yes;
aftype = ipv4;
class = 50;
port = 6660;
ultimate = yes;