31 July 2008, 20:18
Oncelikle Shellimize login oluyoruz..
Hemen bahamut dosyalari icin bi klasor olusturuyoruz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ mkdir ircd
Bu komut ile ircd/ klasoru olusturduk..Simdilik buna dokunmuyoruz bunu ilerisi icin kullanicaz..
Simdi Bahamut1.4.35 i shell hesabimiza indiriyoruz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ wget
Artik bahamut1.4.25 hesabimizda simdi sira zipli dosyayi acmaya geldi..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ tar zxvf bahamut-1.4.35-release.tar.gz
yaziyoruz..Simdi zip dosyasi acildi vede shellinizde bahamut-release/ adinda bi klasor olustu..
simdi o klasorun icine giriyoruz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ cd bahamut-release
Simdi bahamut klasorunun icindeyiz vede kurma islemine baslayabiliriz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ ./configure
bu islem bittikten sonra
[user@IRCTurk user]$ ./config
yaziyoruz..Bu islem sirasinda kurulum bize sorular sorucaktir..
Sirasiyla sorulara bakalim...
What are the maximum File Descriptors that the IRCD can use?
[1024] ->
Sadece ENTER tusuna basin..
What are the maximum number of Users you
intend to allow on your IRC server?
Note that you can now change this number
on the fly with with /set command.
[1000] ->
Gene Entera Basin..
What is the maximum connection buffer amount?
Note, this CANNOT exceed the number of file descriptors
minus the maximum clients.
[24] ->
Entera basin..
What directory are all the server configuration files in?
Note, this directory name needs to end with a /
[/home/Stonkeep/bahamut] ->
kuruluma baslamadan once yaptigimiz islemi hatirlatin mkdir ircd yazmistik..Simdi burada oranin tam yolunu vericegiz vede bahamutu ircd/ klasorunun icine kuracagiz..
cevap olarak buraya /home/kullaniciadi/ircd yaziyoruz..
kullanici adi olarak shellinize login olarak kullandiginiz username i kullanin..Vede onceden ircd/ klasorunu yaratmayi unutmayin..
What is the explicit path to where the ircd binary will be
installed? This should point to a file, not a directory.
[/home/Stonkeep/bahamut] ->
Bu soruyada /home/kullaniciadi/ircd/ircd olarak cevap veriyoruz..
Dikkat sakin sonuna "/" isareti koymayin..
Would you like to see when a /stats is requested?
This only applys for +y users.
[Yes] ->
There are clients out there ignoring the MOTD numeric, so
there is no point forcing MOTD on connecting clients. Instead of
sending the MOTD, enabling this will just send a short notice to the
connecting client asking them to read the motd.
To change the notice, you may edit ircd.smotd in the same directory
as your ircd.motd file.
[Yes] ->
Would you like Connecting Clients to by automatically set +i?
[Yes] ->
Would you like to compile as a HUB?
[No] ->
Eger baska bir servera link atmicaksaniz Yes diyin yoksa ENTERlayin..
Would you like connecting users to be sent a notice regarding
wingate and socks scans? This must be defined if you
intend to run your server on DALnet.
[Yes] ->
What host does your wingate bot run from?
This is only a default and may be overridden with a T: line
See doc/example.conf for more information on T: lines
[some.bot.host] ->
proxy.serverinizismi.net olarak yazin..
What address can users affected by k-lines ask for help?
This is displayed to all LOCALLY k-lined users upon connect.
This should be the address of the local administrator.
This should _NOT_ be
[[email protected]] ->
kline larda kullanilacak adres..Admin adresinizi girmeniz yeterli olucaktir..
What address can users affected by autokills ask for help?
This is displayed to all globally autokilled users upon connect.
This should be the address of the network administrator.
On dalnet, this should be
[[email protected]] ->
buna akilllerin icin kullanilacak adres yukaridaki ile ayni adresi girin...
Would you like to use syslog for server logging?
This is STRONGLY reccomended, many errors can be caught by syslog.
[No] ->
YES diyip ENTERlayin..
What sendq length do you wish to have?
[5050000] ->
What size of a bufferpool do you wish to have?
A bufferpool is a total of ALL sendq's in use
Do you want your server to hide U:lined servers in a /links?
If you are planning to link to DALnet, this MUST be defined.
[Yes] ->
Do you want to use the poll system call?
If you are on a solaris machine, this is mandatory.
Linux machines using a kernel older than 2.4 should use select.
Poll works nicely on freebsd machines.
Select is more economical for small networks.
[Yes] ->
If you have network services and would like to make use of
the built in secure services aliasing features, type in the
name of your network services server here. If you are a
DALnet admin, you would type in "services.dal.net" below.
[services.dal.net] ->
Servislerinizin Ismini yazin.. Services.serveriniz.net gibi..
What is the maximum number of channels a user should be able to join?
[10] ->
Bir kullanici en fazla kac kullanici girebilir.. Tavsiye: 15
Would you like to encrypt oper passwords in O:lines?
[No] ->
ircd.conf daki O:line(Oper sifresi)sifrelenmis mi yoksa normal yazimi olucak..Yes derseniz sifre yapmak icin tools/ klasoru altindaki mkpasswd u kullanmiz gereklidir.. Normal sifreleme icin ENTERa basin..
Would you like to enable connection-throttling code?
[Yes] ->
Evetttt bu bolumde bitti.Simdi sira dosyalari sisteminiz icin uygun hale getirmekde..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ make
[user@IRCTurk user]$ make install
yazarak bahamut kurulumunu tamamliyoruz..
Eger herseyi dogru yaptiysaniz ircd.conf vede ./ircd dosyalariniz /home/kullaniciadi/ircd klasorunun icinde olucaktir..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ cd
[user@IRCTurk user]$ cd ircd
sizi direkman bu klasore goturucektir..
Bundan sonra yapmaniz gereken sey ircd.conf u editlemek vede ./ircd komutu ile serverinizi calistirmak
Hemen bahamut dosyalari icin bi klasor olusturuyoruz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ mkdir ircd
Bu komut ile ircd/ klasoru olusturduk..Simdilik buna dokunmuyoruz bunu ilerisi icin kullanicaz..
Simdi Bahamut1.4.35 i shell hesabimiza indiriyoruz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ wget
Artik bahamut1.4.25 hesabimizda simdi sira zipli dosyayi acmaya geldi..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ tar zxvf bahamut-1.4.35-release.tar.gz
yaziyoruz..Simdi zip dosyasi acildi vede shellinizde bahamut-release/ adinda bi klasor olustu..
simdi o klasorun icine giriyoruz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ cd bahamut-release
Simdi bahamut klasorunun icindeyiz vede kurma islemine baslayabiliriz..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ ./configure
bu islem bittikten sonra
[user@IRCTurk user]$ ./config
yaziyoruz..Bu islem sirasinda kurulum bize sorular sorucaktir..
Sirasiyla sorulara bakalim...
What are the maximum File Descriptors that the IRCD can use?
[1024] ->
Sadece ENTER tusuna basin..
What are the maximum number of Users you
intend to allow on your IRC server?
Note that you can now change this number
on the fly with with /set command.
[1000] ->
Gene Entera Basin..
What is the maximum connection buffer amount?
Note, this CANNOT exceed the number of file descriptors
minus the maximum clients.
[24] ->
Entera basin..
What directory are all the server configuration files in?
Note, this directory name needs to end with a /
[/home/Stonkeep/bahamut] ->
kuruluma baslamadan once yaptigimiz islemi hatirlatin mkdir ircd yazmistik..Simdi burada oranin tam yolunu vericegiz vede bahamutu ircd/ klasorunun icine kuracagiz..
cevap olarak buraya /home/kullaniciadi/ircd yaziyoruz..
kullanici adi olarak shellinize login olarak kullandiginiz username i kullanin..Vede onceden ircd/ klasorunu yaratmayi unutmayin..
What is the explicit path to where the ircd binary will be
installed? This should point to a file, not a directory.
[/home/Stonkeep/bahamut] ->
Bu soruyada /home/kullaniciadi/ircd/ircd olarak cevap veriyoruz..
Dikkat sakin sonuna "/" isareti koymayin..
Would you like to see when a /stats is requested?
This only applys for +y users.
[Yes] ->
There are clients out there ignoring the MOTD numeric, so
there is no point forcing MOTD on connecting clients. Instead of
sending the MOTD, enabling this will just send a short notice to the
connecting client asking them to read the motd.
To change the notice, you may edit ircd.smotd in the same directory
as your ircd.motd file.
[Yes] ->
Would you like Connecting Clients to by automatically set +i?
[Yes] ->
Would you like to compile as a HUB?
[No] ->
Eger baska bir servera link atmicaksaniz Yes diyin yoksa ENTERlayin..
Would you like connecting users to be sent a notice regarding
wingate and socks scans? This must be defined if you
intend to run your server on DALnet.
[Yes] ->
What host does your wingate bot run from?
This is only a default and may be overridden with a T: line
See doc/example.conf for more information on T: lines
[some.bot.host] ->
proxy.serverinizismi.net olarak yazin..
What address can users affected by k-lines ask for help?
This is displayed to all LOCALLY k-lined users upon connect.
This should be the address of the local administrator.
This should _NOT_ be
[[email protected]] ->
kline larda kullanilacak adres..Admin adresinizi girmeniz yeterli olucaktir..
What address can users affected by autokills ask for help?
This is displayed to all globally autokilled users upon connect.
This should be the address of the network administrator.
On dalnet, this should be
[[email protected]] ->
buna akilllerin icin kullanilacak adres yukaridaki ile ayni adresi girin...
Would you like to use syslog for server logging?
This is STRONGLY reccomended, many errors can be caught by syslog.
[No] ->
YES diyip ENTERlayin..
What sendq length do you wish to have?
[5050000] ->
What size of a bufferpool do you wish to have?
A bufferpool is a total of ALL sendq's in use
Do you want your server to hide U:lined servers in a /links?
If you are planning to link to DALnet, this MUST be defined.
[Yes] ->
Do you want to use the poll system call?
If you are on a solaris machine, this is mandatory.
Linux machines using a kernel older than 2.4 should use select.
Poll works nicely on freebsd machines.
Select is more economical for small networks.
[Yes] ->
If you have network services and would like to make use of
the built in secure services aliasing features, type in the
name of your network services server here. If you are a
DALnet admin, you would type in "services.dal.net" below.
[services.dal.net] ->
Servislerinizin Ismini yazin.. Services.serveriniz.net gibi..
What is the maximum number of channels a user should be able to join?
[10] ->
Bir kullanici en fazla kac kullanici girebilir.. Tavsiye: 15
Would you like to encrypt oper passwords in O:lines?
[No] ->
ircd.conf daki O:line(Oper sifresi)sifrelenmis mi yoksa normal yazimi olucak..Yes derseniz sifre yapmak icin tools/ klasoru altindaki mkpasswd u kullanmiz gereklidir.. Normal sifreleme icin ENTERa basin..
Would you like to enable connection-throttling code?
[Yes] ->
Evetttt bu bolumde bitti.Simdi sira dosyalari sisteminiz icin uygun hale getirmekde..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ make
[user@IRCTurk user]$ make install
yazarak bahamut kurulumunu tamamliyoruz..
Eger herseyi dogru yaptiysaniz ircd.conf vede ./ircd dosyalariniz /home/kullaniciadi/ircd klasorunun icinde olucaktir..
[user@IRCTurk user]$ cd
[user@IRCTurk user]$ cd ircd
sizi direkman bu klasore goturucektir..
Bundan sonra yapmaniz gereken sey ircd.conf u editlemek vede ./ircd komutu ile serverinizi calistirmak