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Alt 21 November 2008, 21:43
Junior Member
Kayıt Tarihi: 1 September 2008
Mesajlar: 0
Aldığı Beğeni: 0 xx
Beğendiği Mesajlar: 0 xx
Arrow Behemoth - The Alchemist's Dream

Welcome to theatre of absurd
When the world and rason are audience
And actor illusion and experience only

Here gleams shiny mandala
In the chamber of creation and annihilation
And lingam links with yoni wisdom stone make

There is neither space nor time
Books are read backwards or from all side
Everything will sinks and tears down phantom of mourning

Picture of universe in this simple formula -
"love is the law"
Proverb of juggler on the gate engraved
That life is delight
That death is also life
Alıntı ile Cevapla

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Saat: 10:36

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