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Alt 21 August 2009, 09:52
sevqi emektir.. emekSe vazqeçmiCek kDr ama.. özqür ßırakaCak kDr sevmektir..
Kayıt Tarihi: 7 May 2009
Mesajlar: 13,636
Aldığı Beğeni: 0 xx
Beğendiği Mesajlar: 0 xx
Standart Unreal II: The Awakening

BeMyMonkey : Toggle Cheat Mode
God : Toggle God Mode
Invisible : Toggle Invisibility
Loaded : Get all weapons
AllAmmo : Give player ammo for all weapons
GodEx(X) : Toggle God Mode for the given actor
Phoenix : Toggle Phoenix Powersuit
FearMe : Enemy now fears you
Ghost : Ghost Mode
Fly : Fly Mode
Amphibious : Underwater mode
Walk : Normal, walking mode
SloMo(#) : Game Slomotion
SetJumpZ(#) : Set jump height
ToggleInfiniteAmmo : Toggle Infinite Ammo
ToggleReloads : Toggle Reloads
ToggleInvisibility : Toggle Invisibility
Teleport : Teleport to the spot the player is looking at
NextLevel : Skip to next level
Open(x) : Open Map x
ToggleSpeed : Double speed
SetSpeed(#) : Set player speed
ChangeSize(#) : Change Players Size
TogglePawnInvulnerability(P) : Toggle god mode on given pawn
Goodies(#, #) : Summon an array of goodies
Sum(x) : Summon Item X
Actors : Full actor list
GotoActor(Name) : Change Location to the given Actor
Damage(#, Target) : Damage given target by the specified amount
DamageNPCs(#) : Damage NPC's by the given amount
SetHealth(#, Target) : Set health to the given amount for target
SetMyHealth(#) : Set player health to the given amount
HurtMe(#) : Hurt the player by the specified amount
ManCannon(#) : Gives all visible pawns damage
ToggleServos : Toggle Animation Servos
ShowTeams : Show player teams
Difficulty(#) : Change game difficulty
CheatView(x) : See what actor x's view is
ViewSelf : Target Camera on player
ToggleTimeDemo : Enable time demo
ToggleScoreBoard : Toggle Score board
EnableFreeOrders(0/1) : Toggle Free Orders
BehindView : Toggle Behind View
SetParticleDensity(#) : Set Particle Density
ToggleImpacts : Toggle Impacts
SetWeaponTick(0/1) : Toggle Weapon tick code
SetWeaponFire(0/1) : Toggle Weapon firing
ToggleShowAll : Show all hidden actors
ToggleShowKPs : Show all keypoints
ToggleShowNPs : Show all nagivation points
ToggleRMode : Toggle RMode
SetEyeHeigth : Set player eye height
KillActor(x) : Kill actor X
KillHitActor : Kill actor under crosshair
KillHitNPC : Kill NPC under crosshair
KillActiveNPCS : Kill all active NPCS
KillDormantnPCS : Kill all dormant NPCS
GibAllNPCS : Gib all NPCs
GibHitNPC : Gib the NPC under the crosshair
PO : Toggle players only
ToggleFreezeView : Toggle Freeze View
ToggleHUD : Toggle HUD
SetCameraDist(#) : Set camera distance
FreeCamera(0/1) : Toggle free camera movement
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Saat: 04:32

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