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Alt 15 November 2008, 15:14
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Post Daylight İngilizce Egitim Seti (80 cd Wmv) + Kitap + Sözlük




Bu setle,İngilizce'yi detaylı olarak baştan sona öğrenebilirsiniz. Bu setin en önemli özelliği sınıf ortamında ve öğretmen anlatımıyla olmasıdır. Anlatım dili Türkçe'dir.

Kurslarda yabancı dil eğitimi kur esasına göre düzenlenir. Bu set, 5 kurdan oluşur ve adım adım İngilizceyi öğretir. 600 saatten fazla bir yabancı dil programını kapsar.

Öğrenci bu seti almakla birlikte kursta alacağı tüm bilgileri, 4 farklı eğitmenden alınan bir eğitimi evine taşımış olur.

Öğrencilerin en büyük sorunu olan kelime telaffuz problemlerini de bir İngiliz eğitmen ( native speaker) tarafından doğru ve akıcı şekilde öğrenerek aşmış olur.

Vocabulary denen video dosyalarını izleyerek kelime hazinenizi geliştireceksiniz, Vocabulary videolari görsel, sesli olduğu için kelimelerin anlamları, okunuşları ve yazılışları hakkında da bilgi sahibi olacaksınız.



Eğitim İçeriği :

CD.1 Verb To Be
CD.2 Verb To Be-2
Cd.3 Simple Present Tense
Cd.4 Count-Uncount-Novns
Cd-5 Simple Past Tense
Cd-6 Simple Present-Simple Past Tense Uygulamalı Örnekler
Cd-7 Comparatives And Superlatives
Cd.8 Future Tense-Adjectives-Advers
Cd-9 Present Perfect
Cd-10 Present Continuous
Cd-11 General Topics In Elementary
Cd-12 General Topics In Elementary-2
Cd-13 General Topics In Elementary-3
Cd-14 Elementary Words
Cd-15 Elementary Words-2
Cd-16 Translation Methods
Cd-17 Translation Methods-2A-Daily Expressions B-S.Present Tense
Cd-18 Translation Methods-3 Count-Uncount-Nouns
Cd-19 Translation Methods-4 Past Tense
Cd-20 Translation Methods-5Comporatives-Superlatives-Adjectives-Adverbs
Cd-21 Translation Methods-6Present Continuous Tense-Future Tense
Cd-22 Pre-Intermediate Part-1Past Continuous Tense
Cd-23 Pre-Intermediate Part-2 Article - No Article
Cd-24 Pre-Intermediate Part-3Gerunds-Infinitives-Plan Infinitive
Cd-25 Pre-Intermediate Part-4Past Perfect Tense
Cd-26 Pre-Intermediate Part-5Present Perfect Continuous
Cd-27 Pre-Intermediate Part-6Possive Voice
Cd-28 Pre-Intermediate Part-7If Clouses
Cd-29 Pre-Intermediate Part-8Every,Some,No,Any+Thing,Body,Where
Cd-30 Pre-Intermediate Part-9 Adjectives
Cd-31 Pre-Intermediate Part-10 Used To
Cd-32 Pre-Intermediate Words Part-1
Cd-33 Pre-Intermediate Words Part-2
Cd-34 Translation Methods-7Present Perfect-Past Continuous Tense
Cd-35 Translation Methods-8Present Perfect Continuous-Past Perfect
Cd-36 Translation Methods-9 If Clause
Cd-37 Translation Methods-10 Pre Position
Cd-38 Translation Methods-11 Pre Position-2
Cd-39 Translation Methods-12A-Modal Verbs B-Gerunds In Finitives
Cd-40 Translation Methods Sentences
Cd-41 Essay Writing 1-Introductive Essay 2-Argumentative Essay
Cd-42 State Verbs
Cd-43 Modals
Cd-44 Intermediate Words Part-1
Cd-45 Intermediate Words Part-2
Cd-46 Intermediate Words Part-3
Cd-47 Pre-Intermediate FutureContinuous Tense
Cd-48 Indirect Speech-Reported Speech
Cd-49 If Clause
Cd-50 Structures
Cd-51 Conjunctions 1-Subordinating Conj. 2-Coordinating Conj
Cd-52 General Translation Examples Part-1
Cd-53 General Translation Examples Part-2
Cd-54 Simple Present Tense & Present Continuous Tense
Cd-55 Possive Active
Cd-56 Possive Infinitive
Cd-57 (Advanced Level-Conjunctions)a-Supporting b-Contrasting c-Giving Result
Cd-58 (Advanced Level-Conjunctions)d-Giving Reason e-illustration f-Amplification
Cd-59 (Advanced Level) I Wish Clause
Cd-60 (Advanced Level) Gerund Infinitives
Cd-61 (Advanced Level) Relative Clause
Cd-62 (Advanced Level) Participles-Reduction Of Relative Clause
Cd-63 (Advanced Level) Noun Clause
Cd-64 (Advanced Level) Subjunctives
Cd-65 (Advanced Level) Adjective Complements
Cd-66 (Advanced Level) Countables - Uncountables
Cd-67 (Advanced Level) Structures
Cd-68 (Advanced Level) Question Tags
Cd-69 (Advanced Level) Gerunds & Infinitives
Cd-70 (The Most Common English Words)

Cd-71 (If Clause)
Cd-72 (KPDS) Sınav Soruları Zorluk Derecesi
Cd-73 (KPDS) Translation Methods
Cd-74 (Rephrase Sentences)
Cd-75 (Genereal Reading)
Cd-76 (KPDS-ÜDS-YDS) Find The Different Sentexice
Cd-77 (KPDS-YDS) Dialogues & Situations
Cd-78 (KPDS-ÜDS-YDS-Vb...) New Words For Exams
Cd-79 (KPDS-ÜDS-YDS-Vb...) New Words For Exams-2
Cd-80 (Red House 1,6 Sözlük) 550 mb


Daylight Kitaplari (97 Mb image şeklinde sayfalar scanerdan taratılmış)

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CD 71 ..... CD 80 + Kitap Linkleri

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