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Alt 13 December 2008, 15:29
Senior Member
Kayıt Tarihi: 21 September 2008
Mesajlar: 15,180
Post VMware Workstation 5.5.1 Full

VMware Workstation 5 is the most advanced virtualization software available today for desktop and laptop computers. IT professionals, software developers and testers, and technical sales and support staff rely on this award-winning software to:
Run multiple operating systems on the same PC – with 19 flavors of Windows and 26 flavors of Linux/UNIX, Workstation has the broadest OS selection to choose from
Overcome Vista migration challenges – whether you’re evaluating or upgrading to Vista, Workstation saves you time and headaches
Develop and test multi-tier software on a single computer – only Workstation offers “multiple snap shots” to enable rapid, simplified testing and debugging
Use “sand boxes” to safely test updates, patches and new software – enabling you to troubleshoot problems before you roll systems into production


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