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Post Unreal3.2 ~&@%+ İşaret Duzenlemesi #1
Alt 9 November 2008, 10:01
Alıntı ile Cevapla
Çoğu Kişinin Sorunu ; Unreal'i Kuruyorum Fakat +q Modunu Alanlar ~ Olmuyor , Bunun Icin Kurulumda Bunun Icin Neler Yapılacagini Sizlere Soyleyecegim.
Unreal Dosyamizi tar.gz'den cikardiktan sonra Unreal3.2 Yaparak ./Config Yapiyoruz . Karşımıza Birtakım Sorular Cikacaktir . Bunlara ENTER OLarak devam ediyoruz , Fakat 1 'i Dışında.

Aşağıdaki Aşamaya Dikkat edelim ;

[server@server Unreal3.2]$ ./Config 
 _   _                      _ ___________  _____     _ 
| | | |                    | |_   _| ___ /  __    | | 
| | | |_ __  _ __ ___  __ _| | | | | |_/ /| /  / __| | 
| | | | '_ \| '__/ _ /  _ | | | | |    / | |    /  _ | 
| |_| | | | | | |  __/ (_| | |_| |_| |  | __/ (_| | 
 ___/|_| |_|_|  ___|__,_|_|___/_| _| ____/__,_| 
* See Changelog for more details 
[Enter to continue] 
Many older operating systems have an insecure TCP/IP stack 
which may be vulnerable to IP spoofing attacks, if you run 
an operating system that is vulnerable to such attacks 
enable this option. This option can also be useful to prevent 
blind proxies from connecting (eg: HTTP POST proxies). 
Do you want to enable the server anti-spoof protection? 
[No] -> 
What directory are all the server configuration files in? 
[/home/okyanus/Unreal3.2] -> 
What is the path to the ircd binary including the name of the binary? 
[/home/okyanus/Unreal3.2/src/ircd] -> 
Would you like to compile as a hub or as a leaf? 
Type Hub to select hub and Leaf to select leaf. 
[Hub] -> 
What is the hostname of the server running your IRCd? 
[server.com] -> 
What should the default permissions for your configuration files be? (Set this to 0 to disable) 
It is strongly recommended that you use 0600 to prevent unwanted reading of the file 
[0600] -> 
Do you want to support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections? 
[No] -> 
Do you want to enable IPv6 support? 
[No] -> 
Do you want to enable ziplinks support? 
[No] -> 
Do you want to enable remote includes? 
[No] -> 
Do you want to enable prefixes for chanadmin and chanowner? 
This will give +a the & prefix and ~ for +q (just like +o is @) 
Supported by the major clients (mIRC, xchat, epic, eggdrop, Klient, PJIRC, etc.) 
with the notable exceptions of irssi, KVIrc and CGI:IRC. 
This feature should be enabled/disabled network-wide. 
[No] ->
Yukarida Verdigim , Son Soruya ENTER OLarak devam ederseniz +o ve yukarisi @ olarak Görünür.

Ornek :

Do you want to enable prefixes for chanadmin and chanowner? 
This will give +a the & prefix and ~ for +q (just like +o is @) 
Supported by the major clients (mIRC, xchat, epic, eggdrop, Klient, PJIRC, etc.) 
with the notable exceptions of irssi, KVIrc and CGI:IRC. 
This feature should be enabled/disabled network-wide. 
[No] ->yes
yes olarak Devam ederseniz +o ve Yukarısı Sabit(Orjinal) Bir Şekilde Görünecektir.
no olarak devam ederseniz +o ve Yukarısı @ Olarak Görünür.

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Saat: 11:58