Standart A-Teens - Around The Corner Of Your Eye #1
Alt 26 May 2009, 05:47
Alıntı ile Cevapla
If you knew how many nights
I've been sitting by your bed
Running fingers through your hair
While you're asleep.
Every time I call your name
Or softly whisper in your ear
You turn around to look for me
And no one's there

Where ever you are
Where ever you go - I'll be around
I'll be around just want you to know

If you're lost without me
Wondering where I might be
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
Like an angel watching
Meet me when you're dreaming
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye

I could be your pot of gold
Everything you're wishing for,
But do you really want to find
The rainbows end.
Let me know and I'll come true
I will give my all to you
But don't let anybody take
Your dream away

Where ever you are
Where ever you go - I'll be around
I'll be around just want you to know

If you're lost without me
Wondering where I might be
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye
Like an angel watching
Meet me when you're dreaming
I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eye

There's a song playing in every heart beating
In a key that unlocks every door
There's a time for knowing what's behind the curtain
And it's all you're wishing for

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Saat: 18:03