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http://www.ilkshell.org/depo/CR2.1-Linux.tar.gz İlk Once Hasabınıza Çekin [Neco@neco]tar xzvf tar xvzf CR2.1-Linux.tar.gz CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/firstlast.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/flowers.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/france.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/germany.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/html.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/kids.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/largevidchat.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/medicine.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/medieval.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/mexico.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/mindeye.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/movie.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/music.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/nature.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/nebula.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/night.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/panel.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/paper.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/plubo.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/prm.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/racing.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/rock.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/tv.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/simple.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/slide.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/smolder.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/sports.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/themes.inc CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/tiny.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/tone.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/tunnel.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/usa.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/variable.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/vidchat.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/wildanimals.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/wine.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/xplus.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/xtreme.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/themes/zodiac.htm CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/ CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/HTMLParser.class CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/index.html CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/Thumbs.db CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/Ticker.class CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/TickerText.class CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/white.gif CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/wmt.zip CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/WMTicker.class CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/htmlparser.class CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/thumbs.db CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/ticker.class CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/tickertext.class CR2.1-Linux/htdocs/ticker/wmticker.class CR2.1-Linux/install CR2.1-Linux/LICENSE.TXT CR2.1-Linux/logs/ CR2.1-Linux/logs/admin/ CR2.1-Linux/logs/chat/ CR2.1-Linux/logs/scribe/ CR2.1-Linux/logs/services/ CR2.1-Linux/logs/web/ CR2.1-Linux/PLATFORM CR2.1-Linux/README CR2.1-Linux/RELEASE CR2.1-Linux/util/ CR2.1-Linux/util/template/ CR2.1-Linux/util/template/all.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/black.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/colors.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/default.htt CR2.1-Linux/util/template/default.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/kids.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/lite.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/neon.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/sounds.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/template/xml.tem CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/ CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/dc.var CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/globaljava.var CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/globaljavacn.var CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/manual.var CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/scribe-all.var CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/scribe-default.var CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/services.var CR2.1-Linux/util/variables/variable.var [Neco@neco] cd CR2.1-Linux [Neco@neco] CR2.1-Linux]$ ./install ConferenceRoom 2.1 UNIX installer If you haven't read the release notes, please quit now and do so. This program will overwrite your conf file. Caution: Do not, under any circumstances, install ConferenceRoom in a directory that is accessible by a web server. Do not install it into a virtual host directory or document directory of ANY KIND. If you have done so, please quit NOW and unpack the distribution in a safe, private directory. Please enter your key or TRIAL if you do not have one For example: TRIAL (Key Yazamadan Geçiyoruz) (Key Yazmak Isteyenler Bunlarda Key'ler) FWFW-9967-4S3J-6TT1 elf static Buda Düzü X9B7-FD2D-4E00-2408 #200-0002-408 CRx.X. : F5EA-23E8-49D2-E689 calısıyor X9B7-FD2D-4E00-2408 CRPREE2.2: A9EA-FC7B-F211-7F24 CR2.1 : 5ED6-397A-4B05-32AA Please enter a valid fully qualified DNS name for this server For example: irc.mycompany.com (Server'nızın IP'si) Please enter the name you want your server to use For example: my.server.name.tld (Server'nızın adı: irc.neco.com) Please enter a brief description of your server For example: MyCompany, Inc's Chat Server (Serverin'nızın adı: neco.Com Network) Please enter a contact email address for your server For example: [email protected] (E-Mail Adresiniz) CAUTION: The email address "[email protected]" does not appear valid Please select the ports you wish your chat server to listen on. Do not include the web server port in this list The first port listed is the primary port For example: 7000,6666-6669 Portları Yazıyoruz. Portların Sonuna Server Ip Sini Yazıyoruz Örnek: 7020,6667-7000: Eger Hata Verirse 7020 Portunu Değiştirin 7010 veya 7030 Diye Değiştirin Please enter a nickname for the local channel management agent For example: ChanBot (Server'e Girecek Botun Nicki) Please select the port you would like the web server to listen on. You may use '0' if you don't wish to run our internal web server. Do not use '80' unless no other web server will run on this machine. For example: 8000 (Panel Portunu Yazıyorsunuz Örnek: 8050) Please select the nickname of the first operator For example: admin (Admin Nicki) Please select the password of the first operator For example: MyPass (Admin Şifresi) [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$ (Buraya bir yazı gelecek oraya yes yazıp enterleyin) Kurulum Bitti [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$ ./startcr (Yazdıktan Sonra Server'a Giririyoruz [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$ cd db [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$pico oper.db (Karsınıza Çıkan Bölümede Admin Yazan Yere Admin Nickini Yazın) [2062549759] m 11 O admin - 1073741824 z (ctrl+x yapıp cıkın buradan) [ Wrote 4 lines ] [Neco@neco db]$ cp oper.db oper.bak (Yazın ve Enter) [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$ cd.. (Yazın Enter) [Neco@neco db]$ cd bin (Yazın Enter) [Neco@neco] wget http://www.shellhost.org/crchat (Yazın Enter) [Neco@neco bin]$ rm -r crchat (Yazın Enter) [Neco@neco bin]$ cp crchat.1 (Yazın Enter) [Neco@neco bin]$ cp crchat.1 crchat (Yazın Enter) [Neco@neco bin]$ rm -r crchat.1 (Yazın Enter) [Neco@neco bin]$ chmod 755 crchat (Yazıp Enter) [Neco@neco bin]$ cd .. (Yazıp Enter) [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$ ./stopcr (Yazıp Enter) [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$ 10:39:23.227: 1024(12657) Default: LowMem=38Mb used, VLowMem=43Mb used 10:39:23.682: 1024(12657) Creating thread for timer factory [Neco@neco CR2.1-Linux]$ ./startcr (Yeniden Açıyoruz) Cr Kurulumu son buldu. operservi Getirmek için önce Serverda Nickini Şifreliyorsun RooT Admin Nickini Oper Şifreni Giriyorsun Sonra /as services operserv enable yazıp enterliyorsun Son oLarak /as services memoserv enable Yazıp Enterliyorsun /restart Yazıp Enterliyoruz. Eger restart attıktan Sonra Servere Girmezse Telnetten cd bin yazıp enterliyoruz sonra chmod ayarları 755 crchat yazıp aynı şekilde enterliyoruz sonra cd .. yazıp aynı şekilde enterliyoruz ve son olarak ./stopcr yazıyoruz enterliyoruz ve ondan sonra ./startcr yazıyoruz enterliyoruz.. |
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