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Autodesk.Thomas.Register.PlantSpec.v4.5 [2 CDs] 4506
Documentum.4i.v4.1.Internet.Products ViewSpace Intranet HBIQLDNDGSL Smartspace Intranet NSIFPFNSKDJ 4507 Clarion v5.5 Enterprise Edition GOLD serial : 858992-ANW 4528 Developing XML Solutions 4529 FSecure Antivirus Combination CD System KEY CODES: Product: Version: Key Code: FSAV Dos 3.00 No key code FSAV4 Win95/98 4.08 AAAA-XB2A-A42A-AAA7-7HUX FSAV4 WinNT (ws) 4.08 AAAA-XDXA-A3XA-AAA5-N8C3 FSAV4 Linux 4.09 AAAA-JP2A-A7XA-AAA3-V004 FSAV5 Win95/98/NT/2000 5.20 AAAA-JVXA-A92A-AAAU-S931 FSAV4 OS/2 32-bit 4.08 AAAA-H92A-A62A-AAA9-DCBQ FSAV4 Win3.1/3.11 4.08 AAAA-XBXA-A72A-AAA1-Y1FH The DOS-version of software is not protected by key code. 4530 GeoMedia Professional v4.0.19.11 (c) Intergraph serial#: 14475711005133 4537 Intuit QuickBooks PRO 2001 serial : 4350-176-151-1326 4538 Veritas Backup Exec NT-2000 Server Edition v8.5 [2 CDs] 08-4625-2019-815865 4556 Boris.RED.v1.53 Serial :123348-366123-77695 or 123708-326183-00615 4561 Collins.Intense.Language.Office.2000 S.N: 690116200169 S.Code: 73246085 (used as admin pwd too!) 4570 Namo WebEditor 4.02 Retail Serial Number: 140302-004405 CDKEY: 1WT3W2-EBK5D2-PESLN1X-1SC1H96 4574 Amsterdam.Schiphol.2000.ENGLISH sn: 6836-0462C1 4582 EXCHANGE SERVER ENTERPRISE V2000 REVISION A (c) MICROSOFT KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM 4597 ISA Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (C) MS 335-3353356 4598 POWER MOVIE V1.0 (c) BEATWARE 1029463602932415 4606 SYSTRAN PROf. Premium 1-B160000-613 [2 CDs] 4608 Timeslips.Express-V10.1 7001C-00805-14401-08000-04131 4609 Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 Fireworks 4 Studio(c) Macromedia [2 CDs] use serial: WUW400-03715-57227-20457 4645 TurboPower Suite vJan2001 Use these codes: Abbrevia v2.04 AF7F D67E 9112 00FE Async Professional v3.05 1024 770A DDB4 1552 Async Professional ActiveX v1.00 0326 EEB9 E464 E954 Essentials v1.08 8299 0FDD 3B48 1846 FlashFiler v1.57 15CD B389 38FA 17FC FlashFiler v2.00 FD4C 117E 5EBF 3861 Internet Professional v1.02 01CE 3B0A ADE2 7ED5 LockBox v1.07 5B08 8857 1B64 1656 Memory Sleuth v1.59 2607 9E87 C5FF 8918 Memory Sleuth C Builder Edition v1.50 F457 F8F9 6037 9CBD A728 CEBE 929F 8E2C OnGuard v1.10 6641 E1D0 9D02 618D Orpheus v3.08 E5F3 4997 92A9 F6E9 Sleuth QA v2.01 F975 27FC 756C A8A4 SysTools v3.02 05D2 FD72 D70D CC07 4673 Unigraphics SolidEdge v9.0 Copy the SElincense.dat from the /crack dir on cd, an put it in the program dir where u installed the util./ 4674 Visual Navigation Suite v5.0 Copy the /KeyGen dir from the cd on to your HDD. Register the dll by typing regsvr32 ActCodeGen.dll at a cmd prompt. Start the installation from the cd. Use this as your serial-number 0053-001295-0253-408460 Then once installed you will be told to register the site key.. Select "Do it by phone" Run sitekeygen.exe from the /KeyGen dir (make sure dll is in the same dir) Enter your key and get back a site key Enter it Install.... Now the way the prog works is that every map has another cd-key. Once installed install a new 'chart' by going to help/new chart Then select install.. Select PassPort Charts then select new.. It will load a bit and bring up a box.. Enter each of these keys in and you will get a new chart. 02045-54042-45731-81686 08658-57805-82101-56343 01386-92419-13127-86153 08644-74813-24629-93562 12809-83536-49117-82329 10434-65712-72080-59532 00178-85726-96363-45771 08208-43941-59685-49167 05549-13652-16459-11938 12188-93216-57686-26764 03427-65919-34794-64669 12564-54748-83304-62175 00240-92370-15503-60441 10686-30641-27176-22709 01379-34178-07124-57715 11052-76337-52669-66459 10077-69101-38400-72135 01432-64274-03441-30769 04304-39694-97709-03059 08683-03497-38029-10260 4675 Windows 2000 Pro Sp1 Dual Cpu Edition F6F7B-JV7C2-BMTG4-4VCHM-TK67T 4676 SimCoaster (C) Electronic Arts 2001-0013101-0010978-2823 4677 VMAP v5.21 (c) Deneb [2 CDs] serial: 54345 4713 Nascar 4 (C) Sierra/Papyrus serial #GAC7-REB8-TUX6-DAC2-7833 4729 NBA Live 2001 (C) EA Sports serial #2001-0020601-0010978-6694 4730 World Championship Snooker (c) Codemasters 4731 Agfa ColorTune Pro v3.0.2 Serial: 2730011002219060 4732 Allaire Kawa Enterprise v5.0 SN:KWENT50-025-1122631111 4733 Allaire Spectra v1.5 serial : SP15NT-112140111 4734 Cyberlink Power DVD v3.0 Serial: DV92050374601533 4735 Re Loop 2 v1.05 4736 Virage Videologger v4.5.1 [2 CDs] Place the license.dat, from the CRACK directory, in your flexLM directory and set your LM_LICENSE_FILE enviroment to point to it. 4738 Cakewalk Club Tracks [2 CDs] CD Key 428-270396-5034 Serial CWCT2.01-006589 4740 Curious Labs Poser Pro Pack Poser: XF41CEF-0023995-NWX Poser Pro Pack: XF42CRD-4752306-MTY 4741 Jetform: Formflow 99 [3 CDs] Jet Forms: SZww WFy8 Gkia aXTu Form Designer: $89w Wuyo Nsop FYgz Form Flow: SZww WFy8 Gkia aXTu 4744 Oi My8oi tou Aiswpou GR MMC-19080668-00366 4764 SPSS.SyStat.8.0 Serial# 3475403 License: 45133 62934 48954 03953 37817 98355 09789 098 4780 Italy 2000 [addon FS2000] serial : 6830-FE9NRAW1 4788 Maddog 2000 [addon FS2000] serial: 6754-IPZ4XY 4789 Omnis Studio v3.0 serial#: L3DYANNN001M0040261 4800 Sonic Foundry Vegas Video v2.0b [2 CDs] Serial:ZONE2342340 4803 GWI Software c Support Combo c.Support Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ installation password: 476837 passcode for End User Dekstop: 867298 c.Support Combo: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ installation password: 477915 passcode for End User Dekstop: 867298 Data Integrator: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ installation password: 499001 4804 Corel Gallery FunArt serial CGSXR-C028765500 4809 Corel Gallery Special Occasions serial CGSXR-C028765500 4810 The Settlers 4 1576-5655-2355-6565 4816 Digital Music Starter Kit! [2 CDs] DOR200-086633-641 4829 Clive Barker's Undying (C) DreamWorks Interactive 2500-0911911-0911911-2705 4853 Wise for Windows Installer 3.1 Professional S/N: 3123983210 4861 Roxio Easy CD Creator v5.0 Platinum CD-Key #: P-7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L 4868 MS Office XP SN: MQPD6-C748R-FMRV6-8C3QK-79THJ 4873 Windows XP RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG 4916 Cakewalk Guitar Tracks v2 CDKey 442-200177-7700 Serial CWGT2.00-017973 4932 Computer PREP A Plus Certification S .CD 2001 4933 Dassault Systems Catia V5R6 Developers.Ed Nt 2K Install the CATIA v5r6 and replace the original JS0GROUP.DLL in \B05\intel_a\code\bin with the cracked one included. Included with this release are 2 different crack directorys Crack and Crack2. EITHER one will work fine with this release 4934 Lotus Sametime v2.0 4935 MGI Reality Studio v1.0 Use this serial during install 28936 Use this activation key 4V1V00-3883FA-91B1A1 Here is the image server key NYH83C9VPU663SRR 4936 SolidWorks v2001 [2 CDs] program serial: 9940 0102 0101 0465 key: WMC0 photo works 9940 1102 0101 0844 feature works 0028 3525 1765 9532 solid piping 0440 0650 0749 0233 solid animation 0515 0231 0446 0760 4941 Ulead Photo Explorer Pro v7.0 11103-67000-00262910 4942 GeoGenius 2000 v2.12 (c) Spectra Precision Terrasat GmbH FEATURE GeoGenius terrasat 2.200 1-jan-0 0 ACAAE432A595DF2F9786 "00008380" ANY After installation copy the LICENSE.DAT file to the installed program directory. 4943 Photo Express My Scrapbook Edtion v4.0 (c) Ulead serial#: 11103-54000-00051167 4954 Wise for Windows Installer.3.1.Pro serial#: 3199618133 language pack#: 3299478372 4955 Theme Park Inc. 2001-0013101-0010978-2823 4964 Ms Office 2000 Premium SR1 {4 CDs] H2PP8-X637K-K6GG9-C2JC6-VV9D3 4968 Ms Office 2000 Multilanguage Pack [8 CDs] VVRV7-3W4C7-T74V8-XF2T9-7M77Y 4976 THE VR WORX V2.0 For serial use: X-56S4-C109-E654-010T 4992 PHOTO EXRESS V4.0 DIGITAL STUDIO EDITION [2 CDs] serial: 11103-54000-00004380 4996 DOCSFUSION V3.5.1 SUITE for DOCSFusion CYBERDOCS: serial:15-1337-354-45913751 pass: b22f8f2b POWERDOCS: serial: 23-1337-354-45913751 pass: 805ac9f2 DOCSFusion:serial: 17-1337-354-45913751 pass: c69b89da and:for the html component for DOCSFusion! serial: 27-1337-354-45913751 pass: 6932c410 5006 Seagate Crystal Reports Developer Edition v8.01 CD Key: 6M-0000FSG-6558000-0000000 Reg Serial: 6839234424 5008 Microsoft Office XP RTM (2627.2625) CD-Key: FM9FY TMF7Q KCKCT V9T29 TBBBG 5017 Crystal Reports Developer Edition v8.50 (C) Crystal Decision Serial#: A6A50-8900008-ZE1007S 5039 HUMMINGBIRD FULCRUM KNOWLEDGE Install using these serials: install Server: 080-1090000 And heres serials for components: proactive agent: 174-2953200 html rendering: 174-3133100 ETOC: 174-3438300 file systems: 174-2153000 microsoft exchange: 174-2258400 search server: 174-2303300 web sites: 174-2458200 lotus notes: 174-2503100 relational database: 174-3933300 docsfusion: 174-3888400 5040 Nero Burning Rom 1502-1000-0159-0335-0042-7693 5064 Adventure Pinball Forgotten Island CD KEY enter: 0901-3066676-3327010-9227 5069 Kohan Immortal Sovereigns 6bd9-9a56-bc85-455a 5079 JRUN STUDIO V3.0.1 *ISO* (C) ALLAIRE CORPORATION JRun Studio: JR30STU-0113526969 JRun Enterprise Server: JR300E1-0200-6270-2169 5083 CENTRA SYMPOSIUM V4.0 11111-22-rh888-44444-55521-11111-7512d 5091 DVDit!Proffessional_Edition-2.0 serial: BDD8ZTKTC4BJUHBQ 5092 EPSIS.VAD.PRO.V.1.2 Enter Serial:52HDP3TFJJW-RCE 5093 Outlive (C) Take 2 c61e41-a3f465-4674c1-ace71f 5102 Adobe Font Folio v9.0 Font Folio 9.0 Serial#: CDW900R7100081-102 Adobe Type Manager Deluxe SN:AWW410R7507863-892 5104 Sonic Foundry Video Factory Deluxe [2 CDs] SN:9H-RBXSQT-YE7GEX-NQW5GX 5113 Steinberg Clean v2.0 SNZ08-FLU6-97K1-PM4 5114 Steinberg My MP3 v2.0 5115 Adobe Photoshop v6.0a CE -Gr Support -PWW600R7105467-948 5116 Adobe Acrobat v4.05 CE -GR Support- KWM400R7036733-314 5117 Adobe Indesign v1.5 CE -GR Support- IPE123R12345678-337 5118 OFFICE XP Entreprize Edition 2605 FINAL FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG 5123 IPlanet Directory Server v4.12 (c) Sun Microsystems S.N: 724-6689-01 5141 SurfControl.SuperScout.V3.0.2.0 SN:10w02DA469MnorcmqjN 90w03DA108MnddsmsyN 10w03DA681MpqrsmcmN 5142 SMARTSKETCH V3.00.89.03 SP1 (c) INTERGRAPH Serial : 49963771004551 5149 NetMAX Professional Suite v3.01 for Linux (c) Cybernet serial#: 5ed791-014f47-120ee5-559039 5155 Simply Accounting Pro 8.5 (c) ACCPAC CDKEY: 10272U1-2HY-U687-7MH4-4GB0 5158 UMETRICS MODDE v5.0 and SIMCA-P v8.0 NETWORK EDITIONS Modde: CWEP-9735-3498 Simca-P: CTHK-1521-2943 5159 The Sims House Party Expansion Pack (C) Electronic Arts 0901-4177371-2064872-3510 5161 Black & White Character AddOn 0901-3324366-4702210-2081 5167 Adobe Photoshop Elements serial: 1057-4422-1198-0751-6983-5530 5169 MS Windows XP 2462a Beta2 DW3CF-D7KYR-KMR6C-3X7FX-T8CVM 5177 CENTRA CONFERENCE V3.02 Use the serial corresponding to the installation Centra Enterprise Server: 11111-22-rh888-44444-55521-11111-7514b Centra Server:11111-22-rh888-44444-55521-11111-7512d Centra Collaboration Server: 11111-22-rh888-44444-55521-11111-7511e 5182 Brio.Enterprise.v6.2.2 1.) Install keys for Clients: - Brio.Designer: RRKKK or NNNNQ - Brio.Explorer: JJJUU or AAEEE or SSSSB - Brio.Navigator: HHHXX or NWWWW - Brio.Upgrade: FFAAA - Brio.Insight: GGGDD - Brio.QuickView: CCCMM or YYYYC 2.) Cd key for Brio.Server: SZPTL 5218 Windows 2000 Pro: DDTPV-TXMX7-BBGJ9-WGY8K-B9GHM Windows 2000 Server: KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM Windows 2000 Adv Server : KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM 5223 Adobe Acrobat v5.0 (c) Adobe Systems Inc Serial #: KWW500R7150122-128 5245 dBASE 2K 0.1 (c) dBASE serial: 1000000 5246 NETobjects Fusion MX NFW-600-R-073-02169-43559 5255 Metastage V2.1 R3 ISO (c) Ardent Serial : 1-MSEXP USER : 40000 DATE : 01/01/2500 Auth. Code : /23d5RPnw99 5268 MindManager Business Edition version 4.0.60 Use Serial #: MB4M-MM1-4BM5-2F63-4DA7 5290 Agfa Apogee Create s2 v1.02 serial: 4810092786437648 5308 Canada Topo250 Serial: SMTPC2600458 [2 CDs] 5313 EasyOffice Premium 2001 (c) e-Press serial#: 300-508-687 5318 NETVIZ 5.0 Professional USE SERIAL # 50P-1798-8468-2671 5324 Nero Burnin Rom SN: 1500-0001-0037-0228-8708-9713 5340 Cakewalk Sonar XL v1.0 CD-Key#:931-100812-0726 serial #:CWSX1.00-009999 5352 AFTER EFFECTS V5.0 *PRO BUNDLE* (c) ADOBE serial enter: EWW470R1001999-030-259 5356 Board Master (c) Board Master Software serial: 34DAJK201TRINITY1114576 5362 INTERNET FOUNDATION V9.30 WINNT (c) INFORMIX serial#: YNX#P163426 and key#: FXHFLS 5394 Siren Jukebox v2.0a *REPACK* (c) Sonic Foundry serial#: ZONETEAMROCKS(C)2001 5399 ADOBE ESSENTIALS COLLECTION VOL.2-WEB and MULTIMEDIA Adobe GoLive 4.0- GJW400R2100006-625 Adobe Pagemill 3.0- mlw300r7102296-238 Adobe Photoshop 5.5- PWW400R7106337-339 Adobe Premiere 5.1- MBF420U3000205-940 Adobe After FX 4.1- EWW470R1001999-030-259 5401 Dragon Naturally Speaking v5.0 Medical Solutions (c) L&H serial#: 6680-0873-0218-4921 5406 Native Instruments Battery v1.0 [2 CDs] Serial #: 251-00000-142598 5431 SEAGATE INFO v7.5 37556-2476-00057501 5443 Test Stand v2.0 serial : S00Z12345 5444 Adobe FrameMaker 6.0+SGML Serial Number: 24-1-01-01-6-11111-F8EC6A 5479 IBM Via Voice Pro 8.0 serial : GPA000026052 5484 Nero Mix v1.0 Multi serial: 1200-2000-0048-0422-0385-5501 5496 Sheridan Developer Toolkit v2.5 Active Threed Plus 0100004-1090955 Code Assist 01A0031-0165521 5503 Adobe Font Folio v9.0 Font Folio 9.0 Serial#: CDW900R7100081-102 Type Manager Deluxe Serial #: AWW410R7507863-892 5511 ABBYY Finereader Pro 5.0 Cyrillic Plus - Image - FPX5-0400627-48528 5512 EasyOffice Premium 2001 Serial#: 300-508-687 5518 Sega GT [2 CDs] GTJ08010-322007-01723 read.nfo 5548 Personal Translator PT 2001 Office plus english/german for Windows 95/98/ME/NT Serial: G37828493 P 5556 FINANCIALS DISTRIBUTION AND MANUFACTURING SUITE V8.0 SP1 Use following serials to register Oracle 123456 789012 3456789 012345 67892n Informix 123456 789012 3456789 012345 67893w DB2/Uni 123456 789012 3456789 012345 67894x Sybase 123456 789012 3456789 012345 67896w MS SQL Server 123456 789012 3456789 012345 67897q DB2/OS390 123456 789012 3456789 012345 6789am 5557 Mr Driller (C) Namco Serial Key : ALC3-E4NW-2CY3-2WLE 5576 Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Expansion Pack (C)Activision cdkey enter C5-0CLS-0FLT-00RA-0001 5579 Board Master v2.0 serial:34DAJK201TRINITY1114576 5583 Finale v2001 Revison D serial : DVDA-002112 5589 Microsoft Office XP Professional [3 CDs] FM9FY TMF7Q KCKCT V9T29 TBBBG 5595 CREAMWARE VOLKSZAMPLER serial:NUNFDBTBZGSCAAY 5597 Microsoft Outlook 2002 serial dy6wq d3fyg-v89by-8kpg9-8yw9m 5601 AAA MAP'N'GO V 6 Serial # is V6.GO 85400 5622 TRUESPACE REALITY DESIGNER V5.0 (c) CALIGARI serial : 7376830971271 5623 Route.Europe.Professional.2001.2002 [3 CDs] SERIAL : 252WCOO170772 5634 GoBack v3.0 Deluxe (c) Roxio serial#: UK-Q0DH6-GSDNY-B6WWT 5647 ABBYY Lingvo v7.0 SN: LEE7-0100365-63229 5654 Meridian Prolog Project Pack v6.0 serial # : Prolog Executive : E6777555 Prolog Manager : M6777555 Prolog Pocket : P6777555 Prolog Website : W6777555 5668 Macromedia Freehand v10.0 serial: FHW100-00654-47258-19356 for upgrade: FHW900-50686-68738-52832 5690 Microsoft Publisher 2002 [2 CDs] SN: dy6wq d3fyg v89by 8kpg9 8yw9m 5692 Microsoft Visio Pro 2002 |
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