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Kayıt ol Yardım Topluluk Takvim Bugünki Mesajlar Arama

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Alt 21 August 2009, 09:52
Mesajlar: n/a
Standart Rainbow Six: Raven Shield

Oyun sirasinda [é] (veya ["] veya [~]) tusuna basip konsolu açin ve asagidaki kodlari yazin:

behindView 1 - third person
behindView 0 - first person
ghost - Allows you to fly around the map (typing Walk will end it)
fullAmmo - Stocks your player with lots of ammo
demoRec demoname - Records a demo of your current game
stopDemo - Stops recording current demo
demoPlay demoname - Plays the demo you call upon
god - Makes you invincible
godteam - Makes you and your team invincible
godhostage - Makes the hostages invincible (1 - Yes, 2 - No)
godall - Activates all the god modes
toggleUnlimitedPractice - Mission objectives are updated but game never ends
toggleCollision - Allows you to walk through other actors (team, terrorists and hostages)
toggleThreatInfo - Shows threat info
neutralizeTerro - Neutralises all terrorists on the level
disarmbombs - Disarms all the bombs on the level
deactivateIODevice - Deactivate IODevice like phones, laptop (ie: plant a bug)
rescuteHostage - "Rescues" all hostages on the level
disableMorality - Disables morality rules

Terrorist Commands:
callTerro - Calls all terrorists to your location
playerInvisible - Toggle player detection by terrorists
tSurrender - All terrorists surrender on sight
tSprayFire - Makes the terrorists shoot wildly when they see you
tAimedfire - Makes all terrorists aim and fire at you
tRunAway - Makes all terrorists run away from you
tNoThreat - Sets all terrorits back to their original no threat state
rendSpot - Allows you to see where all terrorists have spawned on the map

Hostage Commands:
toggleHostageThreat - Toggles hostages threat info
setHPos - Sets the hostage position (0=Stand, 1=Kneel, 2=Prone, 3=Foetus, 4=Crouch, 5=Random)
resetThreat - Resets hostages threat
HNA - Plays next hostage animation
HPA - Plays previous hostage animation
HP - Plays animation of hostage (0=no loop, 1=Loop)

Teammates, Hostages, Terrorists Commands:
showFOV - Shows the field of view of all actors
gunDirection - Displays weapon direction of all actors with a "laser beam"
route - Shows where terrorists and hostages have moved through out the map
routeAll - Shows all routes that Terrorists and Hostages take (Will cause lag)
killThemAll - Kills and removes all non-playor actors
killTerro - Kills and removes all terrorists
killhostage - Kills and removes all hostages
killRainbow - Kills all Rainbow operatives

Enter The Matrix
PC - Hile Kodu

Oyundaki "hacking system"e girin ve asagidaki kodlari yazin (kodlarin basina "cheat " yazmayi unutmayin):

cheat 0034AFFF - Maksimum ates gücü
cheat 1DDF2556 - Sinirsiz cephane
cheat 69E5D9E4 - Sinirsiz focus
cheat FFF0020A - Fast focus restore
cheat 7F4DF451 - Sinirsiz saglik
cheat 13D2C77F - Bonus test level
cheat 13D2C77F - Sparks' Construct in training mode
cheat 4516DF45 - Düsmanlar sizi duyamaz
cheat FFFFFFF1 - Düsmanlar sizi göremez
cheat FF00001A - Turbo mode
cheat D5C55D1E - Multi-player fighting
cheat BB013FFF - Düsük yerçekimi
cheat 7867F443 - Faster logos
cheat 312MF451 - Taxi Driving


Telefon numaralari:

Hile kodlarini bulmak:
The Matrix: Reloaded filminde göreceginiz tüm karayolu isaret levhalarinda Enter The Matrix için bir hile kodu yazilidir.
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