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Alt 3 December 2008, 20:21
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Kayıt Tarihi: 21 September 2008
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Post NetDog Porn Filter

NetDog Porn Filter, Protect your Family from Internet pornography! Block porn web sites Now!
Get NetDog Porn Filter, Block Porn Websites today!
Fully integrate "Filtering Engine" into Microsoft Windows ! NetDog Porn Filter can work with all kinds of web browsers ! !

High Performance content filtering algorithm, NetDog Porn Filter blocks porn web sites automatically!

Support user-defined URL block ! ( black & great url lists ), Support wildcards (* and ?) and keywords in url !

No Process will be found when running, NetDog Porn Filter works quitely in the background when surfing on the internet !

Web content filtering in the socket layer,NetDog Porn Filter blocks all porn web sites before they loaded to web browsers.

NetDog Porn Filter's dynamic analyzing engine has the ability to understand content in context and filter websites appropriately.

Password protected when uninstalling NetDog Porn Filter!

Simple user interface! The Most Easy-to-Use porn filter software

Effective & efficient Filtering algorithm to block all porn sites: NetDog Porn Filter uses unique " content filtering algorithm " to block pornographic websites. It also supports url filtering technology . With this advanced algorithm and technology, you can completely rely on NetDog Porn Filter to keep your family safe from pornography.

The Most Easy-to-Use Porn Filter: You don’t have to do anything after you install NetDog Porn Filter. NetDog Porn Filter uses special technology to fully integrate itself into windows operation system, so you won't find any NetDog process running on your computer. But NetDog will block all pornographic material automatically. NetDog Porn Filter not only works with different browsers like Internet Explorer,Firefox but also it works with other Internet program (e.g. MSN). After installing NetDog Porn Filter, you just visit "" and other porn sites to test. If you are not able to visit them, that shows your NetDog Porn Filter is working now. If you want to change filtering settings, you can always use NetDogAdmin to do it.

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