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Alt 10 November 2008, 13:59
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Post Spy (Özel Okuma)

 * ==================================================================
 * Filename:             m_spy.c
 * Description:          Real-time spying
 * Written by:   Rel time
 * ==================================================================
#include "config.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "h.h"
#include "badwords.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "version.h"
// ==================================================================
// Definitions & macros
// ==================================================================
#define MSG_SPY   "spy"
#define TOK_SPY   "spy"
#define TOK_SPYSEND   "SPE"
#define TOK_SPYSTATS   "SPS"
#define MyMod   SpyModInfo->handle
#define FlagSpy   'P'
#define LockFlag  '@'
#define LockFlagStr  "@"
#define SPY_NOTICE  ":%s NOTICE %s :*** "
#define SPY_LINE  "=================================================="
#define ircfree(x)  if (x) free(x)
#define ircstrdup(x,y)  if (x) MyFree(x); if (!y) x = NULL; else x = strdup(y)
#define DelSnomask(x)  if (x) SnomaskDel(x); x = NULL
#define DelHook(x)  if (x) HookDel(x); x = NULL
#define DelCommand(x)  if (x) CommandDel(x); x = NULL
#define IsParam(x)  (parc > (x) && !BadPtr(parv[(x)]))
#define IsValidParam(x)  (parc > (x) && !BadPtr(parv[(x)]) && *parv[(x)] != '*')
#define AddLock(lock)  (lock ? LockFlagStr : "")
#define GetLock(str)  (*str == LockFlag ? 1 : 0)
#define SplitLock(lock, str) del_prefix(str, &(lock), &(str))
#define MergeLock(lock, str) AddLock(lock), str
#define MergeLockOpt(lock, str) str ? AddLock(lock) : "", str ? str : "*"
#define MergeLockEmp(lock, str) str ? AddLock(lock) : "", str ? str : ""
#define SpyForward5(cptr, cmd, who, nick1, nick2, channel, lock1, lock2) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYFORWARD, TOK_SPYFORWARD, 
  "%s %s %s%s %s%s %s", 
  cmd, who, MergeLock(lock1, nick1), MergeLockOpt(lock2, nick2), 
  channel ? channel : "*")
#define SpyForward4(cptr, cmd, who, nick1, nick2, lock1, lock2) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYFORWARD, TOK_SPYFORWARD, 
  "%s %s %s%s %s%s", 
  cmd, who, MergeLock(lock1, nick1), MergeLockOpt(lock2, nick2))
#define SpyForward3(cptr, cmd, who, nick1, lock1) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYFORWARD, TOK_SPYFORWARD, 
  "%s %s %s%s", 
  cmd, who, MergeLock(lock1, nick1))
#define SpyForward2(cptr, cmd, who) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYFORWARD, TOK_SPYFORWARD, 
  "%s %s", 
  cmd, who)
#define SpyForward1(cptr, cmd) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYFORWARD, TOK_SPYFORWARD, 
#define SpyChForward4(cptr, cmd, who, channel, sendto, lock) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYCHFORWARD, TOK_SPYCHFORWARD, 
  "%s %s %s%s %s", 
  cmd, who, MergeLock(lock, channel), sendto ? sendto : "*")
#define SpyChForward3(cptr, cmd, who, channel, lock) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYCHFORWARD, TOK_SPYCHFORWARD, 
  "%s %s %s%s", 
  cmd, who, MergeLock(lock, channel))
#define SpyChForward2(cptr, cmd, who) \
  sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYCHFORWARD, TOK_SPYCHFORWARD, 
  "%s %s", 
  cmd, who)
typedef struct _spystruct SpyStruct;
typedef struct _spychstruct SpyChStruct;
struct _spystruct
 SpyStruct *prev, *next;
 aClient  *who;  /* Who is spying */
 char  *nick1;  /* First nick to spy */
 char  *nick2;  /* Second nick to spy (may be NULL) */
 char  *chname; /* Where to put messages (may be NULL) */
 u_int  lock1:1;  /* 1 if nick1 is locked, otherwise 0 */
 u_int  lock2:1;  /* 1 if nick2 is locked, otherwise 0 */
struct _spychstruct
 SpyChStruct *prev, *next;
 aClient  *who;  /* Who is spying */
 char  *channel; /* Channel to be spyed */
 char  *sendto; /* Where to put messages (may be NULL) */
 u_int  lock;  /* True if nick1 is locked, otherwise 0 */
static SpyStruct *FindSpyItem1(aClient *acptr, char *nick);
static SpyStruct *FindSpyItem2(aClient *acptr, char *nick1, char *nick2);
static SpyChStruct *FindSpyChItem(aClient *acptr, char *channel);
static void  AddSpyItem(aClient *acptr, char *nick1, char *nick2, char *chname, u_int lock1, u_int lock2);
static void  AddSpyChItem(aClient *acptr, char *channel, char *sendto, u_int lock);
static void  DelSpyItem(SpyStruct *s);
static void  DelSpyChItem(SpyChStruct *s);
static unsigned int spy_paramcheck(aClient *cptr, int parc, char *parv[], char **nick1, char **nick2, char **channel, u_int *lock1, u_int *lock2);
static unsigned int spych_paramcheck(aClient *cptr, int parc, char *parv[], char **channel, char **sendto, u_int *lock);
static void  spy_send_client(aClient *acptr, int notice, char *nick1, char *nick2, char *text);
static void  spy_send_channel(aClient *cptr, char *channel, int notice, char *nick1, char *nick2, char *text);
static void  spych_send_client(aClient *acptr, int notice, char *nick, char *channel, char *text);
static void  spych_send_channel(aClient *cptr, char *sendto, int notice, char *nick, char *channel, char *text);
static void  del_prefix(char *str, u_int *lock, char **newstr);
static Command  *AddCommand(char *msg, char *token, int (*func)());
DLLFUNC int  m_spy(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
DLLFUNC int  m_spychannel(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
DLLFUNC int  m_spysend(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
DLLFUNC int  m_spychsend(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
DLLFUNC int  m_spyforward(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
DLLFUNC int  m_spychforward(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
DLLFUNC int  m_spystats(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]);
DLLFUNC char  *spy_on_privmsg(aClient *, aClient *, aClient *, char *, int);
DLLFUNC char  *spy_on_chanmsg(aClient *, aClient *, aChannel *, char *, int);
DLLFUNC int  spy_on_quit(aClient *, char *);
DLLFUNC int  spy_on_remote_quit(aClient *, char *);
DLLFUNC int  spy_on_server_connect(aClient *);
DLLFUNC int  spy_on_local_nickchange(aClient *, char *);
DLLFUNC int  spy_on_remote_nickchange(aClient *, aClient *, char *);
DLLFUNC int  spy_on_channel_destroy(aChannel *);
// ==================================================================
// Module header
// ==================================================================
ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(m_spy)
  = {
 "$Id: m_spy.c,v 3.6 2003/12/01 18:31:45 angrywolf Exp $",
 "The End Of Life",
// ==================================================================
// Main declarations
// ==================================================================
static char *SpyHelp[] =
    SPY_NOTICE "\2Usage:\2",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spy add <nick1> [<nick2> [<#channel>]]",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spy del <nick1> [<nick2>]",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spy list [<nick1> [<nick2>]] [<#channel>]",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spy clear",
    SPY_NOTICE "\2Examples:\2",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spy add AngryWolf Toxyc #secret",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spy del AngryWolf",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spy list #secret",
static char *SpyChHelp[] =
    SPY_NOTICE "\2Usage:\2",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spychan add <#channel> [<#sendto>]]",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spychan del <#channel>",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spychan list [<#channel>]",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spychan clear",
    SPY_NOTICE "\2Examples:\2",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spychan add #warez #spy",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spychan del #warez",
    SPY_NOTICE "/spychan list",
ModuleInfo  *SpyModInfo;
Command   *CmdSpy, *CmdSpychannel, *CmdSpysend, *CmdSpychsend;
Command   *CmdSpyforward, *CmdSpychforward, *CmdSpystats;
Snomask   *SpySnomask;
long   SNO_SPY;
static Hook  *HookPrivMsg;
static Hook  *HookChanMsg;
static Hook  *HookQuit;
static Hook  *HookRemoteQuit;
static Hook  *HookServConn;
static Hook  *HookLocalNick;
static Hook  *HookRemoteNick;
static Hook  *HookChanDest;
static SpyStruct *SpyList = NULL;
static SpyChStruct *SpyChList = NULL;
// ==================================================================
// Module initalization, loading and unloading
// ==================================================================
static Command *AddCommand(char *msg, char *token, int (*func)())
 Command *cmd;
 if (CommandExists(msg))
  config_error("Command %s already exists", msg);
  return NULL;
     if (CommandExists(token))
  config_error("Token %s already exists", token);
  return NULL;
 cmd = CommandAdd(MyMod, msg, token, func, MAXPARA, 0);
#ifndef _WIN32
 if (ModuleGetError(MyMod) != MODERR_NOERROR || !cmd)
 if (!cmd)
#ifndef _WIN32
  config_error("Error adding command %s: %s", msg,
  config_error("Error adding command %s", msg);
  return NULL; /* just to be sure */
 return cmd;
static Snomask *AddSnomask(char flag, int (*allowed)(aClient *sptr, int what), long *mode)
        Snomask *s;
        *mode = 0;
        s = SnomaskAdd(MyMod, flag, allowed, mode);
#ifndef _WIN32
        if ((ModuleGetError(MyMod) != MODERR_NOERROR) || !s)
        if (!s)
#ifndef _WIN32
                sendto_realops("[\2m_spy\2] Error adding snomask %c: %s",
                        flag, ModuleGetErrorStr(MyMod));
                sendto_realops("[\2m_spy\2] Error adding snomask %c",
                return NULL;
        return s;
DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(m_spy)(ModuleInfo *modinfo)
 int ret = MOD_SUCCESS;
 SpyModInfo = modinfo;
 HookPrivMsg = HookAddPCharEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_USERMSG, spy_on_privmsg);
 HookChanMsg = HookAddPCharEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_CHANMSG, spy_on_chanmsg);
 HookQuit = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_QUIT, spy_on_quit);
 HookRemoteQuit = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_REMOTE_QUIT, spy_on_remote_quit);
 HookServConn = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_SERVER_CONNECT, spy_on_server_connect);
 HookLocalNick = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_NICKCHANGE, spy_on_local_nickchange);
 HookRemoteNick = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_REMOTE_NICKCHANGE, spy_on_remote_nickchange);
 HookChanDest = HookAddEx(MyMod, HOOKTYPE_CHANNEL_DESTROY, spy_on_channel_destroy);
 CmdSpy  = AddCommand(MSG_SPY, TOK_SPY, m_spy);
 CmdSpychannel = AddCommand(MSG_SPYCHANNEL, TOK_SPYCHANNEL, m_spychannel);
 CmdSpysend = AddCommand(MSG_SPYSEND, TOK_SPYSEND, m_spysend);
 CmdSpychsend = AddCommand(MSG_SPYCHSEND, TOK_SPYCHSEND, m_spychsend);
 CmdSpyforward = AddCommand(MSG_SPYFORWARD, TOK_SPYFORWARD, m_spyforward);
 CmdSpychforward = AddCommand(MSG_SPYCHFORWARD, TOK_SPYCHFORWARD, m_spychforward);
 CmdSpystats = AddCommand(MSG_SPYSTATS, TOK_SPYSTATS, m_spystats);
 SpySnomask = AddSnomask(FlagSpy, umode_allow_opers, &SNO_SPY);
        if (!SpySnomask || !CmdSpy || !CmdSpychannel || !CmdSpysend || !CmdSpychsend)
  ret = MOD_FAILED;
 if (!CmdSpyforward || !CmdSpychforward || !CmdSpystats)
  ret = MOD_FAILED;
 return ret;
DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(m_spy)(int module_load)
 return MOD_SUCCESS;
DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(m_spy)(int module_unload)
 SpyStruct *s;
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 ListStruct  *next;
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = (SpyStruct *) next)
  next = (ListStruct *) s->next;
 for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = (SpyChStruct *) next)
  next = (ListStruct *) sc->next;
 return MOD_SUCCESS;
// ==================================================================
// Functions for nicknames, channel names and prefixes
// ==================================================================
static void del_prefix(char *str, u_int *lock, char **newstr)
 *lock = 0;
 if (*str == LockFlag)
  *lock = 1;
 *newstr = str;
// ==================================================================
// Misc functions
// ==================================================================
static SpyStruct *FindSpyItem1(aClient *acptr, char *nick)
 SpyStruct *s;
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
  if (s->who == acptr && !s->nick2 && !strcasecmp(s->nick1, nick))
 return s;
static SpyStruct *FindSpyItem2(aClient *acptr, char *nick1, char *nick2)
 SpyStruct *s;
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
  if (s->who == acptr && !strcasecmp(s->nick1, nick1)
    && (s->nick2 && !strcasecmp(s->nick2, nick2)))
 return s;
static SpyChStruct *FindSpyChItem(aClient *acptr, char *channel)
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = sc->next)
  if (sc->who == acptr && !strcasecmp(sc->channel, channel))
 return sc;
static void AddSpyItem(aClient *acptr, char *nick1, char *nick2, char *chname, u_int lock1, u_int lock2)
 SpyStruct *s;
 s  = (SpyStruct *) MyMalloc(sizeof(SpyStruct));
 s->who  = acptr;
 s->nick1 = strdup(nick1);
 s->nick2 = BadPtr(nick2) ? NULL : strdup(nick2);
 s->chname = BadPtr(chname) ? NULL : strdup(chname);
 s->lock1 = lock1;
 s->lock2 = lock2;
 AddListItem(s, SpyList);
static void AddSpyChItem(aClient *acptr, char *channel, char *sendto, u_int lock)
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 sc  = (SpyChStruct *) MyMalloc(sizeof(SpyChStruct));
 sc->who  = acptr;
 sc->channel = strdup(channel);
 sc->sendto = BadPtr(sendto) ? NULL : strdup(sendto);
 sc->lock = lock;
 AddListItem(sc, SpyChList);
static void DelSpyItem(SpyStruct *s)
 DelListItem(s, SpyList);
static void DelSpyChItem(SpyChStruct *sc)
 DelListItem(sc, SpyChList);
// ==================================================================
// display_text: a general function to display two or more lines
//     of text to a user
// ==================================================================
static void display_text(aClient *cptr, char *text[])
 char **pp;
 for (pp = text; *pp; pp++)
      sendto_one(cptr, *pp, me.name, cptr->name);
 /* let user take 7 seconds to read it! */
        if (MyClient(cptr))
                cptr->since += 7;
// ==================================================================
// spy_paramcheck: checks for validity of /spy parameters
// ==================================================================
static unsigned int spy_paramcheck(aClient *cptr, int parc, char *parv[],
 char **nick1, char **nick2, char **channel, u_int *lock1, u_int *lock2)
 *nick1  = NULL;
 *nick2  = NULL;
 *channel = NULL;
 *lock1  = 0;
 *lock2  = 0;
 if (IsParam(2))
  if (*parv[2] == '#')
   *channel = parv[2];
   *nick1 = parv[2];
 if (IsParam(3))
  if (*channel)
   return 0;
  else if (*parv[3] == '#')
   *nick2  = NULL;
   *channel = parv[3];
   *nick2  = parv[3];
 if (IsParam(4))
  if (*channel)
   return 0;
  *channel = parv[4];
 if (*nick1)
  SplitLock(*lock1, *nick1);
 if (*nick2)
  SplitLock(*lock2, *nick2);
 return 1;
// ==================================================================
// spych_paramcheck: checks for validity of /spychannel parameters
// ==================================================================
static unsigned int spych_paramcheck(aClient *cptr, int parc, char *parv[],
 char **channel, char **sendto, u_int *lock)
 *channel = NULL;
 *sendto  = NULL;
 *lock  = 0;
 if (!IsParam(2))
  return 0;
 *channel = parv[2];
 if (IsParam(3))
  *sendto = parv[3];
 if (*channel)
  SplitLock(*lock, *channel);
 return 1;
// ==================================================================
// spy_send_client & spy_send_channel: handle sending users's private
// messages to clients & channels
// ==================================================================
static void spy_send_client(aClient *acptr, int notice, char *nick1, char *nick2, char *text)
 if (MyClient(acptr))
      sendto_one(acptr, ":IRC!IRC@%s PRIVMSG %s :[%s %c> %s] %s",
              me.name, acptr->name,
   nick1, (notice ? '-' : '>'), nick2, text);
  sendto_one(acptr->from, "%s %s %c %s %s :%s",
   IsToken(acptr->from) ? TOK_SPYSEND : MSG_SPYSEND,
   acptr->name, (notice ? 'N' : 'P'),
   nick1, nick2, text);
static void spy_send_channel(aClient *cptr, char *channel, int notice, char *nick1, char *nick2, char *text)
 aChannel *chptr;
 if ((chptr = find_channel(channel, NullChn)) == NullChn)
        sendto_channel_butserv(chptr, &me, ":IRC!IRC@%s PRIVMSG %s :[%s %c> %s] %s",
                me.name, chptr->chname,
  nick1, (notice ? '-' : '>'), nick2, text);
 sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYSEND, TOK_SPYSEND,
  "%s %c %s %s :%s",
  chptr->chname, (notice ? 'N' : 'P'),
  nick1, nick2, text);
static void spych_send_client(aClient *acptr, int notice, char *nick, char *channel, char *text)
 if (MyClient(acptr))
      sendto_one(acptr, ":IRC!IRC@%s PRIVMSG %s :[%s] %c%s%c %s",
              me.name, acptr->name, channel,
   (notice ? '-' : '<'), nick, (notice ? '-' : '>'), text);
  sendto_one(acptr->from, "%s %s %c %s %s :%s",
   IsToken(acptr->from) ? TOK_SPYCHSEND : MSG_SPYCHSEND,
   acptr->name, (notice ? 'N' : 'P'),
   nick, channel, text);
static void spych_send_channel(aClient *cptr, char *sendto, int notice, char *nick, char *channel, char *text)
 aChannel *chptr;
 if ((chptr = find_channel(sendto, NullChn)) == NullChn)
        sendto_channel_butserv(chptr, &me, ":IRC!IRC@%s PRIVMSG %s :[%s] %c%s%c %s",
                me.name, chptr->chname, channel,
  (notice ? '-' : '<'), nick, (notice ? '-' : '>'), text);
 sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, me.name, MSG_SPYCHSEND, TOK_SPYCHSEND,
  "%s %c %s %s :%s",
  chptr->chname, (notice ? 'N' : 'P'),
  nick, channel, text);
// ==================================================================
// Events
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int spy_on_quit(aClient *sptr, char *comment)
 SpyStruct *s;
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 ListStruct  *next;
 // sendto_realops("(spy_on_quit) sptr->name=[%s]", sptr->name);
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = (SpyStruct *) next)
  next = (ListStruct *) s->next;
  if (s->who == sptr)
  else if (!s->lock1 && !strcasecmp(s->nick1, sptr->name))
  else if (s->nick2 && !s->lock2 && !strcasecmp(s->nick2, sptr->name))
 for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = (SpyChStruct *) next)
  next = (ListStruct *) sc->next;
  if (sc->who == sptr)
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int spy_on_remote_quit(aClient *sptr, char *comment)
 SpyStruct *s;
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 ListStruct  *next;
 // sendto_realops("(spy_on_remote_quit) sptr->name=[%s]", sptr->name);
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = (SpyStruct *) next)
  next = (ListStruct *) s->next;
  if (s->who == sptr)
  else if (!s->lock1 && !strcasecmp(s->nick1, sptr->name))
  else if (s->nick2 && !s->lock2 && !strcasecmp(s->nick2, sptr->name))
 for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = (SpyChStruct *) next)
  next = (ListStruct *) sc->next;
  if (sc->who == sptr)
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int spy_on_local_nickchange(aClient *sptr, char *nick)
 SpyStruct *s;
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
  if (!s->lock1 && !strcasecmp(s->nick1, sptr->name))
   ircstrdup(s->nick1, nick);
  if (s->nick2 && !s->lock2 && !strcasecmp(s->nick2, sptr->name))
   ircstrdup(s->nick2, nick);
 return 0;
DLLFUNC int spy_on_remote_nickchange(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, char *nick)
 SpyStruct *s;
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
  if (!s->lock1 && !strcasecmp(s->nick1, sptr->name))
   ircstrdup(s->nick1, nick);
  if (s->nick2 && !s->lock2 && !strcasecmp(s->nick2, sptr->name))
   ircstrdup(s->nick2, nick);
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int spy_on_channel_destroy(aChannel *chptr)
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 ListStruct *next;
 for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = (SpyChStruct *) next)
  next = (ListStruct *) sc->next;
  if (!sc->lock && !strcasecmp(sc->channel, chptr->chname))
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int spy_on_server_connect(aClient *sptr)
 SpyStruct *s;
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 // sendto_realops("(spy_on_server_connect) sptr->name=[%s]", sptr->name);
 /* TODO: optimize this! */
 sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s CONNECT",
  me.name, (IsToken(sptr) ? TOK_SPYFORWARD : MSG_SPYFORWARD));
 sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s CONNECT",
  me.name, (IsToken(sptr) ? TOK_SPYCHFORWARD : MSG_SPYCHFORWARD));
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
  sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s ADD2 %s %s%s %s%s %s",
   MergeLock(s->lock1, s->nick1),
   MergeLockOpt(s->lock2, s->nick2),
   s->chname ? s->chname : "*");
 for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = sc->next)
  sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %s ADD2 %s %s%s %s",
   MergeLock(sc->lock, sc->channel),
   sc->sendto ? sc->sendto : "*");
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC char *spy_on_privmsg(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aClient *acptr, char *text, int notice)
 SpyStruct *s;
 aChannel *chptr;
 char  *nick1, *nick2;
 if (!MyClient(sptr))
  return text;
 /* First do some sorting */
 if (smycmp(sptr->name, acptr->name) > 0)
      nick1 = acptr->name;
      nick2 = sptr->name;
  nick1 = sptr->name;
  nick2 = acptr->name;
 for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
  if (
   /* spy every messages sent and received by one client */
    !s->nick2 &&
    (!strcasecmp(s->nick1, sptr->name) || !strcasecmp(s->nick1, acptr->name))
   ) ||
   /* spy messages between two specific users */
    !strcasecmp(s->nick1, nick1) && !strcasecmp(s->nick2, nick2)
   if (s->chname)
     spy_send_channel(&me, s->chname, notice,
      sptr->name, acptr->name, text);
     spy_send_client(s->who, notice,
      sptr->name, acptr->name, text);
 return text;
DLLFUNC char *spy_on_chanmsg(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aChannel *chptr, char *text, int notice)
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 if (!MyClient(sptr))
  return text;
 for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = sc->next)
  if (!strcasecmp(chptr->chname, sc->channel))
   if (sc->sendto)
    spych_send_channel(&me, sc->sendto, notice,
     sptr->name, chptr->chname, text);
    spy_send_client(sc->who, notice,
     sptr->name, chptr->chname, text);
 return text;
// ==================================================================
// m_spy: Adds, removes or lists nicknames in spy list
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int m_spy(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
 SpyStruct *s;
 char  *tmp = NULL, *cmd;
 char  *nick1, *nick2, *channel;
 u_int  lock1, lock2;
        if (!MyClient(cptr) || !IsOper(cptr) || !IsSAdmin(cptr))
         sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES), me.name, parv[0]);
  return -1;
 cmd = IsParam(1) ? parv[1] : NULL;
        if (!cmd)
  display_text(cptr, SpyHelp);
  return -1;
 /* ADD */
 if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "add"))
  if (!spy_paramcheck(cptr, parc, parv, &nick1, &nick2, &channel, &lock1, &lock2))
   display_text(cptr, SpyHelp);
   return -1;
  if (!nick1 || IsParam(5))
   display_text(cptr, SpyHelp);
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && !strcasecmp(nick1, nick2))
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s %s: Nicks cannot be the same",
               me.name, sptr->name,
    nick1, nick2);
   return -1;
  if (channel && *channel != '#')
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s: Invalid channel name",
               me.name, sptr->name, channel);
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && (smycmp(nick1, nick2) > 0))
   tmp = nick1;
   nick1 = nick2;
   nick2 = tmp;
  if ((nick2 && FindSpyItem2(sptr, nick1, nick2)) || (!nick2 && FindSpyItem1(sptr, nick1)))
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s %s: Already on your private spy list",
               me.name, sptr->name,
    nick1, nick2 ? nick2 : "<irc>");
   return -1;
  AddSpyItem(sptr, nick1, nick2, channel, lock1, lock2);
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s %s: Added to your private spy list",
              me.name, sptr->name,
   nick1, nick2 ? nick2 : "<irc>");
  SpyForward5(&me, "ADD", sptr->name, nick1, nick2, channel, lock1, lock2);
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPY ADD %s%s" "%s" "%s%s" "%s" "%s",
   sptr->name, MergeLock(lock1, nick1),
   nick2 ? " " : "", MergeLockEmp(lock2, nick2),
   channel ? " " : "", channel ? channel : "");
 /* DEL */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "del"))
  if (!spy_paramcheck(cptr, parc, parv, &nick1, &nick2, &channel, &lock1, &lock2))
   display_text(cptr, SpyHelp);
   return -1;
  if (!nick1 || channel || IsParam(4))
   display_text(cptr, SpyHelp);
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && (smycmp(nick1, nick2) > 0))
   tmp = nick1;
   nick1 = nick2;
   nick2 = tmp;
  if ((nick2 && !(s = FindSpyItem2(sptr, nick1, nick2))) || (!nick2 && !(s = FindSpyItem1(sptr, nick1))))
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s %s: Not yet on your private spy list",
               me.name, sptr->name,
    nick1, nick2 ? nick2 : "<irc>");
   return -1;
  SpyForward4(&me, "DEL", s->who->name, s->nick1, s->nick2, 0, 0);
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s %s: Deleted from your private spy list",
              me.name, sptr->name,
   nick1, nick2 ? nick2 : "<irc>");
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPY DEL %s%s%s",
   sptr->name, s->nick1, s->nick2 ? " " : "", s->nick2 ? s->nick2 : "");
 /* LIST */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "list"))
  enum ListType { LT_n1n2c, LT_n1n2, LT_n1c, LT_n1, LT_c, LT_none };
  unsigned int found = 0, type = 0, show = 0, empty = 1;
  if (!spy_paramcheck(cptr, parc, parv, &nick1, &nick2, &channel, &lock1, &lock2))
   display_text(cptr, SpyHelp);
   return -1;
  if (channel)
   if (nick2)
    type = LT_n1n2c;
   else if (nick1)
    type = LT_n1c;
    type = LT_c;
  else if (nick2)
   type = LT_n1n2;
  else if (nick1)
   type = LT_n1;
   type = LT_none;
  if (nick1 && nick2 && (smycmp(nick1, nick2) > 0))
   tmp = nick1;
   nick1 = nick2;
   nick2 = tmp;
  for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
   if (s->who == sptr)
    empty = 0;
    show = 0;
    switch (type)
     case LT_n1n2c:
      if (
       s->nick2 &&
       s->chname &&
       !strcasecmp(s->nick1, nick1) &&
       !strcasecmp(s->nick2, nick2) &&
       !strcasecmp(s->chname, channel)
       show = 1;
     case LT_n1n2:
      if (
       s->nick2 &&
       !strcasecmp(s->nick1, nick1) &&
       !strcasecmp(s->nick2, nick2)
       show = 1;
     case LT_n1c:
      if (
       s->chname &&
       !strcasecmp(s->nick1, nick1) &&
       !strcasecmp(s->chname, channel)
       show = 1;
     case LT_n1:
      if (!strcasecmp(s->nick1, nick1))
       show = 1;
     case LT_c:
      if (s->chname && !strcasecmp(s->chname, channel))
       show = 1;
      show = 1;
    if (show)
         sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s%s %s%s %s",
                 me.name, sptr->name,
      MergeLock(s->lock1, s->nick1),
      MergeLockOpt(s->lock2, s->nick2),
      s->chname ? s->chname : "<irc>");
  if (!found)
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s",
        me.name, sptr->name,
    empty ? "Your spy list is empty" : "No matching entries");
   sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** " SPY_LINE,
    me.name, sptr->name);
   sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %d entr%s",
    me.name, sptr->name,
    found, found > 1 ? "ies" : "y");
 /* CLEAR */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "clear"))
  ListStruct *next;
  for (s = SpyList; s; s = (SpyStruct *) next)
   next = (ListStruct *) s->next;
   if (s->who == sptr)
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Your private spy list is now empty",
              me.name, sptr->name);
  SpyForward2(&me, "CLEAR", sptr->name);
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Invalid option %s",
              me.name, sptr->name, cmd);
  return -1;
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
// m_spychannel: Adds, removes or lists channel names in channel
//     spy list
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int m_spychannel(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 char  *cmd, *channel, *sendto;
 u_int  lock;
        if (!MyClient(cptr) || !IsOper(cptr) || !IsSAdmin(cptr))
         sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES), me.name, parv[0]);
  return -1;
 cmd = IsParam(1) ? parv[1] : NULL;
        if (!cmd)
  display_text(cptr, SpyChHelp);
  return -1;
 /* ADD */
 if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "add"))
  if (!spych_paramcheck(cptr, parc, parv, &channel, &sendto, &lock))
   display_text(cptr, SpyChHelp);
   return -1;
  if (*channel != '#')
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s: Invalid channel name",
               me.name, sptr->name, channel);
   return -1;
  if (sendto && *sendto != '#')
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s: Invalid channel name",
               me.name, sptr->name, sendto);
   return -1;
  if (FindSpyChItem(sptr, channel))
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s: Already on your channel spy list",
               me.name, sptr->name, channel);
   return -1;
  if (sendto && !strcasecmp(channel, sendto))
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s %s: Source and target channels cannot be the same",
               me.name, sptr->name, channel, sendto);
   return -1;
  AddSpyChItem(sptr, channel, sendto, lock);
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s: Added to your channel spy list",
              me.name, sptr->name, channel);
  SpyChForward4(&me, "ADD", sptr->name, channel, sendto, lock);
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPYCHANNEL ADD %s%s" "%s" "%s",
   sptr->name, MergeLock(lock, channel), sendto ? " " : "",
   sendto ? sendto : "");
 /* DEL */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "del"))
  if (!spych_paramcheck(cptr, parc, parv, &channel, &sendto, &lock))
   display_text(cptr, SpyChHelp);
   return -1;
  if (!(sc = FindSpyChItem(sptr, channel)))
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s: Not yet on your channel spy list",
               me.name, sptr->name, channel);
   return -1;
  SpyChForward3(&me, "DEL", sc->who->name, sc->channel, 0);
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s: Deleted from your channel spy list",
              me.name, sptr->name, channel);
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPYCHANNEL DEL %s",
   sptr->name, sc->channel);
 /* LIST */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "list"))
  unsigned int found = 0, empty = 1;
  sendto = NULL;
  channel = IsParam(2) ? parv[2] : NULL;
  if (channel)
   SplitLock(lock, channel);
  for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = sc->next)
   if (sc->who == sptr)
    empty = 0;
    if (!channel || !strcasecmp(sc->channel, channel))
         sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s%s %s",
                 me.name, sptr->name,
      MergeLock(sc->lock, sc->channel),
      sc->sendto ? sc->sendto : "<irc>");
  if (!found)
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s",
        me.name, sptr->name,
    empty ? "Your channel spy list is empty" : "No matching entries");
   sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** " SPY_LINE,
    me.name, sptr->name);
   sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %d entr%s",
    me.name, sptr->name,
    found, found > 1 ? "ies" : "y");
 /* CLEAR */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "clear"))
  ListStruct *next;
  for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = (SpyChStruct *) next)
   next = (ListStruct *) sc->next;
   if (sc->who == sptr)
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Your channel spy list is now empty",
              me.name, sptr->name);
  SpyChForward2(&me, "CLEAR", sptr->name);
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Invalid option %s",
              me.name, sptr->name, cmd);
  return -1;
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
// m_spyforward: Keeps SpyList updated on all servers
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int m_spyforward(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
 SpyStruct *s;
 ListStruct  *next;
 aClient  *acptr;
 char  *tmp, *cmd, *who, *nick1, *nick2, *channel;
 u_int  lock1, lock2;
        if (IsClient(cptr))
         sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES), me.name, parv[0]);
  return -1;
 cmd = IsParam(1)  ? parv[1] : NULL;
 who = IsParam(2)  ? parv[2] : NULL;
 nick1 = IsParam(3)  ? parv[3] : NULL;
 nick2 = IsValidParam(4) ? parv[4] : NULL;
 channel = IsValidParam(5) ? parv[5] : NULL;
 /* sendto_realops("(\2m_spyforward\2) cptr=%s, sptr=%s, cmd=%s who=%s nick1=%s nick2=%s channel=%s",
  cptr->name, sptr->name,
  cmd ? cmd  : "(null)",
  who ? who  : "(null)",
  nick1 ? nick1  : "(null)",
  nick2 ? nick2  : "(null)",
  channel ? channel : "(null)"); */
        if (!cmd)
  return -1;
 if (nick1)
  SplitLock(lock1, nick1);
 if (nick2)
  SplitLock(lock2, nick2);
 /* ADD */
 if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "add"))
  if (!nick1)
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && !strcasecmp(nick1, nick2))
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && (smycmp(nick1, nick2) > 0))
   tmp = nick1;
   nick1 = nick2;
   nick2 = tmp;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  if ((nick2 && FindSpyItem2(acptr, nick1, nick2)) || (!nick2 && FindSpyItem1(acptr, nick1)))
   return -1;
  AddSpyItem(acptr, nick1, nick2, channel, lock1, lock2);
  SpyForward5(cptr, "ADD", acptr->name, nick1, nick2, channel, lock1, lock2);
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPY ADD %s%s" "%s" "%s%s" "%s" "%s",
   acptr->name, MergeLock(lock1, nick1),
   nick2 ? " " : "", MergeLockEmp(lock2, nick2),
   channel ? " " : "", channel ? channel : "");
 /* ADD2 -- Like ADD, but without forwarding */
 if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "add2"))
  if (!nick1)
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && !strcasecmp(nick1, nick2))
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && (smycmp(nick1, nick2) > 0))
   tmp = nick1;
   nick1 = nick2;
   nick2 = tmp;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  if ((nick2 && FindSpyItem2(acptr, nick1, nick2)) || (!nick2 && FindSpyItem1(acptr, nick1)))
   return -1;
  AddSpyItem(acptr, nick1, nick2, channel, lock1, lock2);
 /* DEL */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "del"))
  if (!nick1)
   return -1;
  if (nick2 && (smycmp(nick1, nick2) > 0))
   tmp = nick1;
   nick1 = nick2;
   nick2 = tmp;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  if ((nick2 && !(s = FindSpyItem2(acptr, nick1, nick2))) || (!nick2 && !(s = FindSpyItem1(acptr, nick1))))
   return -1;
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPY DEL %s%s%s",
   acptr->name, s->nick1, s->nick2 ? " " : "", s->nick2 ? s->nick2 : "");
  SpyForward4(cptr, "DEL", acptr->name, s->nick1, s->nick2, 0, 0);
 /* CLEAR */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "clear"))
  if (!who)
   return -1;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  for (s = SpyList; s; s = (SpyStruct *) next)
   next = (ListStruct *) s->next;
   if (s->who == acptr)
  SpyForward2(cptr, "CLEAR", acptr->name);
 /* CONNECT */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "connect"))
  for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
   /* act as a client who is just adding a spy entry */
   SpyForward5(&me, "ADD", s->who->name, s->nick1, s->nick2,
    s->chname, s->lock1, s->lock2);
  return -1;
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
// m_spychforward: Keeps SpyChList updated on all servers
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int m_spychforward(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 ListStruct  *next;
 aClient  *acptr;
 char  *cmd, *who, *channel, *sendto;
 u_int  lock;
        if (IsClient(cptr))
         sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES), me.name, parv[0]);
  return -1;
 cmd = IsParam(1)  ? parv[1] : NULL;
 who = IsParam(2)  ? parv[2] : NULL;
 channel = IsValidParam(3) ? parv[3] : NULL;
 sendto = IsValidParam(4) ? parv[4] : NULL;
 /* sendto_realops("(\2m_spychforward\2) cptr=%s, sptr=%s, cmd=%s who=%s channel=%s sendto=%s",
  cptr->name, sptr->name,
  cmd ? cmd  : "(null)",
  who ? who  : "(null)",
  channel ? channel : "(null)",
  sendto ? sendto : "(null)"); */
        if (!cmd)
  return -1;
 if (channel)
  SplitLock(lock, channel);
 /* ADD */
 if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "add"))
  if (!channel)
   return -1;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  if (FindSpyChItem(acptr, channel))
   return -1;
  AddSpyChItem(acptr, channel, sendto, lock);
  SpyChForward4(cptr, "ADD", acptr->name, channel, sendto, lock);
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPYCHANNEL ADD %s%s" "%s" "%s",
   acptr->name, MergeLock(lock, channel),
   sendto ? " " : "", sendto ? sendto : "");
 /* ADD2 -- Like ADD, but without forwarding */
 if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "add2"))
  if (!channel)
   return -1;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  if (FindSpyChItem(acptr, channel))
   return -1;
  AddSpyChItem(acptr, channel, sendto, lock);
 /* DEL */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "del"))
  if (!channel)
   return -1;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  if (!(sc = FindSpyChItem(acptr, channel)))
   return -1;
  sendto_snomask(SNO_SPY, "*** [\2m_spy\2] %s used /SPYCHANNEL DEL %s",
   acptr->name, sc->channel);
  SpyChForward3(cptr, "DEL", acptr->name, sc->channel, 0);
 /* CLEAR */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "clear"))
  if (!who)
   return -1;
  if (!(acptr = find_person(who, NULL)))
   return -1;
  for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = (SpyChStruct *) next)
   next = (ListStruct *) sc->next;
   if (sc->who == acptr)
  SpyChForward2(cptr, "CLEAR", acptr->name);
 /* CONNECT */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "connect"))
  for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = sc->next)
   /* act as a client who is just adding a channel spy entry */
   SpyChForward4(&me, "ADD", sc->who->name, sc->channel,
    sc->sendto, sc->lock);
  return -1;
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
// m_spysend: Sends users' private messages to a client on the network
// Easier way?
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int m_spysend(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
 aClient  *acptr;
 char  *from, *to, *cmd, *nick1, *nick2, *text;
 unsigned notice;
 if (!IsServer(sptr) || !IsParam(5))
  return -1;
 to = IsParam(1)  ? parv[1] : NULL;
 cmd = IsParam(2)  ? parv[2] : NULL;
 nick1 = IsParam(3)  ? parv[3] : NULL;
 nick2 = IsParam(4)  ? parv[4] : NULL;
 text = IsParam(5)  ? parv[5] : NULL;
 if (!text)
  return -1;
 notice = *cmd == 'N' ? 1 : 0;
 if (*to == '#')
  spy_send_channel(cptr, to, notice,
   nick1, nick2, text);
  if (!(acptr = find_person(to, NULL)))
   return -1;
  spy_send_client(acptr, notice,
   nick1, nick2, text);
 return 0;
// ==================================================================
// m_spychsend: Sends users' channel messages to a client on the network
// Easier way?
// ==================================================================
DLLFUNC int m_spychsend(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
 aClient  *acptr;
 char  *to, *cmd, *nick, *channel, *text;
 unsigned notice;
 if (!IsServer(sptr) || !IsParam(5))
  return -1;
 to = IsParam(1)  ? parv[1] : NULL;
 cmd = IsParam(2)  ? parv[2] : NULL;
 nick = IsParam(3)  ? parv[3] : NULL;
 channel = IsParam(4)  ? parv[4] : NULL;
 text = IsParam(5)  ? parv[5] : NULL;
 if (!text)
  return -1;
 notice = *cmd == 'N' ? 1 : 0;
 if (*to == '#')
  spy_send_channel(cptr, to, notice,
   nick, channel, text);
  if (!(acptr = find_person(to, NULL)))
   return -1;
  spy_send_client(acptr, notice,
   nick, channel, text);
 return 0;
 * m_spystats
 * Displays SpyList statistics based on a given nickname. If you leave out
 * <nickname>, all SpyList entries will be displayed.
 * :prefix SPYSTATS [<nickname>]
 * parv[0] - (sender)
 * parv[1] - channel|message
 * parv[2] - <nickname> (optional)
DLLFUNC int m_spystats(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
 SpyStruct *s;
 SpyChStruct *sc;
 aClient  *acptr = NULL;
 unsigned long item = 0, count = 0, total = 0;
 unsigned long subcount = 0, subtotal = 0;
 char  *cmd;
        if (!MyClient(cptr) || !IsOper(cptr) || !IsSAdmin(cptr))
         sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES), me.name, parv[0]);
  return -1;
 if (!IsParam(1))
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Usage: /spystats private|channel [<nickname>]",
       me.name, sptr->name);
  return 0;
 cmd = parv[1];
 /* PRIVATE */
 if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "private"))
  if (!SpyList)
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Private spy list is empty",
        me.name, sptr->name);
   return 0;
  if (IsParam(2) && !(acptr = find_person(parv[2], NULL)))
       sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK),
    me.name, sptr->name, parv[2]);
       return -1;
  for (s = SpyList; s; s = s->next)
   item = sizeof(*s) + 1; /* 1 byte is the size of (lock1 + lock2) */
   item += sizeof(char) * (strlen(s->nick1) + 1);
   if (s->nick2)
    item += sizeof(char) * (strlen(s->nick2) + 1);
   if (s->chname)
    item += sizeof(char) * (strlen(s->chname) + 1);
   if (acptr && s->who == acptr)
    subtotal += item;
   total += item;
   if (!acptr || s->who == acptr)
        sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s (%s%s): %s%s %s (mem: %ld)",
         me.name, sptr->name,
     MergeLock(s->lock1, s->nick1),
     MergeLockOpt(s->lock2, s->nick2),
     s->chname ? s->chname : "<irc>",
  if (acptr)
   sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** " SPY_LINE,
    me.name, sptr->name);
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Sub total (%s): %ld entr%s (mem: %ld)",
        me.name, sptr->name,
    subcount, count > 1 ? "ies" : "y",
  sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** " SPY_LINE,
   me.name, sptr->name);
  sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Total: %d entr%s (mem: %ld)",
   me.name, sptr->name,
   count, count > 1 ? "ies" : "y",
 /* CHANNEL */
 else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "channel"))
  if (!SpyChList)
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Channel spy list is empty",
        me.name, sptr->name);
   return 0;
  if (IsParam(2) && !(acptr = find_person(parv[2], NULL)))
       sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK),
    me.name, sptr->name, parv[2]);
       return -1;
  for (sc = SpyChList; sc; sc = sc->next)
   item = sizeof(*sc) + sizeof(sc->lock);
   item += sizeof(char) * (strlen(sc->channel) + 1);
   if (sc->sendto)
    item += sizeof(char) * (strlen(sc->sendto) + 1);
   if (acptr && sc->who == acptr)
    subtotal += item;
   total += item;
   if (!acptr || sc->who == acptr)
        sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** %s (%s%s): %s (mem: %ld)",
         me.name, sptr->name,
     MergeLock(sc->lock, sc->channel),
     sc->sendto ? sc->sendto : "<irc>",
  if (acptr)
   sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** " SPY_LINE,
    me.name, sptr->name);
       sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Sub total (%s): %ld entr%s (mem: %ld)",
        me.name, sptr->name,
    subcount, count > 1 ? "ies" : "y",
  sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** " SPY_LINE,
   me.name, sptr->name);
  sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Total: %d entr%s (mem: %ld)",
   me.name, sptr->name,
   count, count > 1 ? "ies" : "y",
      sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Invalid option %s",
              me.name, sptr->name, cmd);
  return -1;
 return 0;
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