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Unreal3.2/src s.misc.c icinde.. PHP- Kodu: /* DANGER: Ugly hack follows. */ PHP- Kodu: [b]/* Yeah :/ */ [/b] [b]static void exit_one_client(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, aClient *from, char *comment, int split) [/b] [b]{ [/b] [b] aClient *acptr; [/b] [b][/b] satirinin hemen altina asagidaki satiri ekleyin PHP- Kodu: aClient *iowa; ve daha sonra yine ayni dosyada /* ** If a person is on a channel, send a QUIT notice ** to every client (person) on the same channel (so ** that the client can show the "**signoff" message). ** (Note: The notice is to the local clients *only*) */ satirini bulun ve hemen altina asagidaki kodlari kendinize gore duzenleyip koyun if (sptr->user) { iowa = sptr; if(!IsOper(sptr)) { iowa->user->username[0] = 't'; iowa->user->username[1] = 'u'; iowa->user->username[2] = 't'; iowa->user->username[3] = 'k'; iowa->user->username[4] = 'u'; iowa->user->username[5] = '\0'; iowa->user->virthost[0] = 'i'; iowa->user->virthost[1] = 'r'; iowa->user->virthost[2] = 'c'; iowa->user->virthost[3] = '.'; iowa->user->virthost[4] = 't'; iowa->user->virthost[5] = 'u'; iowa->user->virthost[6] = 't'; iowa->user->virthost[7] = 'k'; iowa->user->virthost[8] = 'u'; iowa->user->virthost[9] = '.'; iowa->user->virthost[10] = 'c'; iowa->user->virthost[11] = 'o'; iowa->user->virthost[12] = 'm'; iowa->user->virthost[13] = '\0'; } ßittikten Sonra cd cd Unreal3.2 make make install ... |
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